You are a busy woman. Are you juggling many demands on your time? Are you feeling tired or overwhelmed by the mental load? Are you yearning for more meaning and connection? Or, are you thriving, but would love even more energy?
We have grown up to believe we can have it all. Yet in this modern world, women are burning out and often overriding the messages from their bodies and souls.
Our energy is our most valuable commodity, but few people understand how to boost, nourish, clear and protect their energy. This book provides the answers.
Through a compelling mixture of storytelling, inspiration and practical advice, this book provides insights into the body-mind-soul connection, an explanation of the laws of energy, and simple, quick daily energy habits to help you:
- find your soul amongst the busyness of modern life;
- access your inner power, inner calm and infinite energy;
- reduce stress and worry; and
- live an inspired and thriving life.
"Alicia overflows with pure love. Her teachings lead us toward finding our life purpose as she offers a gentle and graceful way toward discovering our inner oasis. She shows us how to cultivate this garden of energy within, so we can flow with life's unwanted, but necessary, difficulties. When you recognise the magnificence of the energy flowing through you, you realise that it's flowing through others too."
Virginia Warren, the Zen Lawyer, yoga instructor and author of Let's Kiss All The Lawyers! ... said no-one ever.
All proceeds from this book will go towards the creation of "The Soul Centre", a place for people to connect and feed their souls.
Alicia Dumais Temmerman is a wife and mum of four children. She is lawyer of 17-plus years. She runs three businesses. In 2012, she had an incredible experience hanging out the washing. She is on a mission to teach women how to have more energy and enjoy life more. She shares how she transformed from being an exhausted working mum to a thriving business woman and mum, living a deeply satisfying and fun life.