Plagues ranging from epidemic to pandemics has affected the existence of human, ranging from the circa epidemic (3000 B.C), to the plague of Athens(430 B.C), with the Antonine plague which occured in (A.D.165-180), now fast forward to the Spanish flue in the year 1918-1920, and to the AIDS pandemic still killing till present day, including the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic affecting the world in the year 2009-2010, ranging to the west Africa Ebola pandemic, the zika virus in south and central America, and lastly the novel COVID 19 which has been the recent pandemic of the world, affecting every inhabitants and killing as much as it can.
This book "PSYCHOLOGY OF PANDEMICS" sorrounds the evaluation and evolution of pandemic from scratch, informing us about the psychogical and mental effects that pandemics has on our overall health and how it affects our emotions and behavior subsequently, psychologically, pandemics control our internal emotions, influence a great deal of panicking, fear of contacting, uncertainty of who is next, anxiety, boredom, mental stability, phobia e.t.c.
The book clears our doubt as a result of giving us an in depth measures on how we can face a pandemic and overcoming every negativity it poses to our health, by following some guidelines and processes, tips and what to do in managing our mental stability during and after a pandemic.
In this book you will learn the following:
✓ The evolutions of pandemic.
✓ Difference between endemic, epidemic and pandemics.
✓ Core evaluations on various types of pandemic, and how it affects the world.
✓ The psychological effects that pandemics has on our mental and physical health.
✓ What can be done to keep ourselves safe during a pandemic.
✓ Getting ready for a futuristic pandemic, what to do and how.
✓ How to maintain our mental sanity during and after a pandemics.
✓ How to create happiness during trying times.
✓ Quick brief on vaccines, it's myth and truth, it's benefits against pandemics.
Inside the book, there are also bonus chapters, giving you an in depth explaination on the A-Z of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19)that got everyone talking, it's origination, effects and general tips and evaluations.
You will also learn the effects pandemic has on the world economy, ranging from country to country, it's impact on inflation, production and monetary exchange values.
This book is one of its kind, up to date, a fundamental approach having a significant value on our mental health and the world as well.
Have you been having issues keeping fit and healthy during a pandemic?
Do you finds it difficult to control your immunity, psychological appearance and emotions during trying times,
Do you want to know the nook and crannies sorrounding the word "PANDEMIC"?
Then the time is NOW!!! get a copy of this book, and get yourself a living word!!!