About the Book
The feat of the spotted cows is surely Jacob's most outrageous magic performance. It is so big that, with the riches he scoops in from this one exploit, he lives the life of a prosperous independent man all the days of his life. Jacob grows rich by magic. God gives him the inspiration he needs to do it in a dream. Again we get a vivid demonstration of the interpenetrating boundaries of psi. The Bible contains action paintings of many of the highest magical adepts of the ancient stage, the best of the best being Moses, Elijah, Elisha, and, the consummate, Jesus. You've heard of Moses parting the Red Sea. That's magic. The Red Sea parts when Moses says certain magic words and passes his magic wand over it. And the Israelites pass the impassible boundary. By magic. In a similar event, except much, much smaller, the very first magic performance Elisha accomplishes independently (not as the sorcerer's apprentice) is shortly after Elijah has ascended in a chariot of fire. He's going back home, and comes to a river. He calls on the power of Elijah, strikes the water with the rolled up cape, the waters part, and he crosses. All magic is psychic activity. Psychokinesis, termed PK, is the generation of an effect on "outside" objective objects by directed mental or spiritual forces. Today the psychic think tanks identify this with a new term, anomalous perturbation. The magician is an intermediary, performing these fantastic deeds, not of his or her own power, but by directing the power of God to a specific purpose. It is interesting to note how the Bible reveals and instructs us on the essential equivalence of magician, wizard, and sorcerer. In response to Moses' tricks Pharaoh summons what they in Egypt call wizards and sorcerers. It is simply a different language. The Bible, so as not to have us confused, thinking these are different things, identifies them as the magicians of Egypt. It does not matter what name you use, at what time or what place you perform it, when you look at and describe the function, the process, and the results, it is all the same: magic is sorcery is wizardry. Through biased perceptual training, many people have themselves been enspelled to believe that when we do it, it is a miracle - good, wholesome, and of God - but when they do it, it is magic - evil, the work of dark power. Presto! It is magic all the same. All true magic, after all, is accomplished by God. Does the gardener make the garden grow? What distinguishes the magician from the masses? The magician knows how it works, which indeed very few people do, and then, empowered with that awareness, makes conscious decisions about what he or she wants, directing it with congruency. This is volume 6 of 7 in the Psychic And Paranormal Phenomena In The Bible Series, Psychokinesis, Magic, And Enchantment In The Bible.
About the Author: Rev. Ted Ciuba, Ph.D. is the world's foremost quantum achievement trainer. A small sampling of accomplishments include: Author of startling John Gospel Code: The Contraband Message Unveiled Author of eye-opening The True Story Of Psychic And Paranormal Phenomena In The Bible Author of bestselling The New Think And Grow Rich, QuantumVersion Original founder of World Internet Summit, largest and longest running entrepreneurial internet marketing training organization in the world Coach and lead therapist of Quantum Leap Mind Training Author of over 500 marketing and quantum achievement articles posted on Internet Author of over 40 books on professional & personal quantum achievement, including 101 Quantum Success Secrets and the Sub 4 Minute Extra Mile series Ted Ciuba, identified as the "Napoleon Hill of the Modern Age" by Mentors Magazine, features a unique interdisciplinary approach that includes marketing, achievement, and quality of life. Ted brings his penetrating mind and wide experience to help every willing person be, do, and have more. While it sounds incredulous to those stuck in yesterday's struggle mindset, you can cause a quantum leap in your income and profits, while working less - a lot less - and dramatically up both your personal satisfaction in life and your contributions to the world at the same time. An author, a sales & marketing ace, a former professor of business communications at California State University, minister-at-large Ted Ciuba reminds us a quantum leap is a phenomenon of Nature in which one makes explosive, permanent performance and profit gains without passing through all the incremental steps in-between.