Objective: To study the effect of proprioceptive exercises in Age Matched
Individuals, Osteoarthritis and Replaced Knee using Visual Analogue Scale, Knee
Society Score and Joint Position Sense.
Background: In the elderly population the most common chronic musculoskeletal
disorder and the leading cause of disability is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a
degenerative joint disease involving thining and destruction of the smooth cartilage.
Joint arthoplasty is an intervention for those patients with severe pain, disease and
radiographic evidences. Loss of proprioception due to arthritis was not improved by
Method: Total 165 subjects between age 45 to 75 years were recruited according to
inclusion and exclusion criteria in Group A- aged matched individuals, Group Bosteoarthritis
and Group C- total knee replacement. All three groups were given
proprioceptive and conventional exercises along with TKR exercises for Group C.
Pain intensity, Joint Position Sense and Knee Society Score were assessed on first day
and repeated at 6th week.
Results: Data was analyzed statistically by comparing pre and post intervention
scores of all three groups. The analysis of the study shows significant improvement in
outcome measures Pain intensity, Joint Position Sense and Knee Society Score in Age
Matched Individuals group, osteoarthritis group and replaced knees group.
Conclusion: The present study concludes that proprioceptive exercises are beneficial
in improving joint position sense in Age Matched Individuals, osteoarthritis and
replaced knees.