The prophetic ministry, as we have known and practiced it, is in a season of
significant upgrade and radical revision from heaven. In the midst of this
divine activity and heavenly initiative, a new (third) prophetic dimension has
emerged, signaling a clear break and divergence from the old prophetic order.
In Prophetic Divergence: Distinguishing Characteristics of the Third Prophetic
Dimension, Robert insightfully tracks the progression and development of the
prophetic dimension through three key significant stages recorded in Scripture.
As the author--with the Holy Spirit as his guide--takes us on this remarkable
prophetic journey, many inaccurate assumptions and ungodly beliefs relative to
the prophetic are biblically challenged. In addition, many key prophetic principles
and paradigms are expounded upon, bringing new revelation and definition
regarding the greatest prophetic dimension mankind has ever seen.
Robert G. Paul is the president and founder of Kingdom Ambassadors
International, an embassy dedicated to the promotion and proclamation
of God's Kingdom agenda in the earth, as well as the establishing of new
reformation positions and patterns throughout the global community of
Kingdom citizens otherwise known as the Church.
Robert is a born native of the beautiful twin island republic of Trinidad
and Tobago, where he faithfully served for more than a decade as a musician,
worship leader, Bible teacher, and coordinator of a successful outreach
program to the public schools before migrating to the United States during
the turn of the new millennium.