Chapter by chapter, uncover answers to a wide variety of some of science's most telling and perplexing subjects. Focusing on everything from the stability, instability, and fragility of atoms to the diversity of talent seen in the human race, this book is much more riveting and easy to follow than your college physics or chemistry textbooks.
Highlighting facts about planet habitation and the support for life, geomagnetic fields and the formation of planets and stars, and supernovae and our existence, each chapter will stimulate and encourage critical thinking and exploration.
Along with addressing many topics relating to the universe and its composition, this book focuses on the most cognitively advanced species on Earth-humans-and the fascinating way in which they developed diverse talents, control over desires and instincts, individual abilities, and the capability to understand and act upon concepts such as love and other emotions.
Readers ages sixteen and up will easily follow along with the complex yet understandable facts and theories presented throughout this informative and evidence-packed piece.
About the Author: Born in the beautiful seaside city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, author Maurício Riguette Mediano grew up Catholic. He earned his PhD in computer science before spending the next fifteen years researching and developing software used around the world and working for startups and big corporations such as IBM, Yahoo, and, currently, Microsoft.
After working with extremely complex projects and subjects throughout the years, Mediano was inspired to write about how many of the seemingly inconsequential experiences we go through every day all lead to one truth: God exists.
Mediano lives in Washington with his wife and two children.