In the groundbreaking first instalment of a thrilling science fiction series, "Project 75" introduces Jack Saltbird, a daring explorer transformed into a virtual cyborg for an audacious mission: to search for extraterrestrial life beyond the stars. As the 31st traveller in a lineage of space pioneers, Jack embarks on a journey that will redefine humanity's place in the cosmos.
Set in a future where interstellar travel is a reality, Jack's odyssey leads him to a remarkable planet echoing ancient Rome, a world shaped by the mysterious arrival of Rome's lost 9th Legion nearly two millennia ago. Here, he encounters a civilization with deep roots in Roman culture, governed by the powerful Empress of Sol. This discovery propels Jack into the role of an emissary, tasked with forging a historic union between Earth and the alien race of Sol.
As Jack navigates this new alliance, his journey takes an unexpected turn. Driven by the legacy of the thirty explorers who preceded him, he sets out to trace their paths, uncovering the fate of these forgotten voyagers. This quest unveils a tapestry of new races and formidable enemies, revealing a universe more diverse and perilous than ever imagined.
Transforming into an ever more sophisticated cyborg, Jack's evolution is as much physical as it is spiritual. His golden metallic body, adorned with a flowing cape and a Roman helmet, becomes a symbol of a bridge between worlds, ancient and futuristic.
"Project 75" is not just a tale of exploration and discovery; it's a saga of building alliances and confronting the darkness lurking among the stars. As Jack forms a Union of races, he stands at the forefront of a battle against a cosmic evil, challenging the very essence of what it means to be human.
In this epic narrative, Jack Saltbird is not merely a spacefarer; he is a harbinger of a new era, where the stars are not just destinations but gateways to a future laced with infinite possibilities and perilous adventures.