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In this book, we learned in this discussion that ES6 support isn't universal yet, but that shouldn't stop you from taking advantage of the benefits of ES6 right now, because you can trans-compile your ES6 to portable ES5. Be sure to include the following things when setting up a new development machine.
We also learn how to set up a good editor, git (for installation instructions), Gulp (npm install -g gulp), ESLint (npm install -g eslint). We also learn how to begin a new project (whether it's a scratch project to run the examples in this book or a real project), like a dedicated directory for your project; we call this the project root, a Git repository (git init), a package.json file (npm init), a Gulpfile (gulpfile.js; use the one from this topic), gulp and Babel local packages (npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-babel babel-preset-es2015), a .babelrc file (contents: { "presets" ["es2015"] }), an .eslintrc file (use eslint --init to create it, and edit to your preferences), a subdirectory for Node source (es6), a subdirectory for browser source (public/es6).
Your also simple workflow will look like this once you've set it up by making improvements that are logically consistent and connected also to test and lint your code, use Gulp with rep until the improvements are successful and lint-free. Alao makes sure you're not going to do something you don't want to do (git status).
Connect any files to yours.gitignore file that you don't want in Git. In the last Add all of your changes to Git (git add -A; if you don't want to add all of your changes, just use git add for each file).
Would you like to learn the hard core of Python coding? You are the type of genius the great eBook in the next few lines is dedicated to, check it out. Learning the complex processes of Python Programming is a tough task most people don't want to try. Even Computer, Engineering, Tech and related fields do not want to, to even imagine the interest of a non-tech related fan. Why? It is for the same reason, it is complicated! It has different stages that can be easily mixed up. It also contains so many lessons and tasks that can overwhelm you right before you start. Computer Tech specialists only find it easier because they've been in the field all day of life. Non Tech specialists struggle especially. But isn't there a way you can learn the hardcore easily whether you are or not in the tech fields? The eBook after the next few lines can find you the answers.
What else do you stand to learn?
- The meaning of Python Coding and Programming.
- The python programming language and how to read the code.
- How to read errors and troubleshoot your own code.
- Coding Mechanism
AND MORE .....
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