Production and Operations Management explains how P/OM is fulfilling its strategic mission and responsibility for processes. It is essential for P/OM students to become conversant in new product planning. They must also be able to pursue P/OM goals in partnership with marketing, finance and other business functions. With P/OM participation, strategic thinking links new products to the best possible process configurations for goods and services. Using the systems approach, P/OM is shown as crucial to strategic global planning. Strategies and tactics are evaluated together for their combined contribution to productivity, low costs, high quality, timeliness, and total capability for the efficient and effective control of supply chain activities. Enlarging the importance of cultural perspectives and global literacy, the book anticipates tomorrow. Production and Operations Management, 2e is divided into four parts with its main themes as follows: 1. The systems approach is essential. 2. New product development ties in with optimal process planning. 3. Strategies and tactics cannot be separated. The field must be taught in that way. 4. Rapid and continuous project management fosters competitive advantage in an environment of accelerated change. ***How does this book differ from older or current texts?*** A forward-looking teacher and leader in the field of Production and Operations Management (P/OM), Martin K. Starr's book and on-line text reflect a sea of change that is currently taking place in the global workplace. The new role of P/OM is to partner with company executives to influence the integration of decisions of all functional areas in an organization. The only way that students willbe able to meet this challenge is to learn and embody the systems approach shown throughout the book.