Until very recently, investing in an early-stage company or project was only the purview of the Rich, Famous, and Well Connected. The "average investor" was left totally out of the game, but technology has changed all that for the better. Where there are great risks, there are potentially great rewards, yes, but there are also, well, great risks.
So why do the Rich, Famous, and Well Connected participate in Private Placements to the degree that they do? Why is it that the "average investor" has not been able to participate? How can the "average investor" participate in these opportunities with a small amount of money to invest? How can the "average investor" participate successfully to recoup their initial investment as quickly as possible while still profiting from "Free Shares" as the Rich, Famous, and Well-Connected do? This book hopes to shed some light on these questions and more.
This fact-the fact that Private Placements have been the preserve of the Rich, Famous, and Well Connected-is well known by people that participate in the system, of course. So to sum that up, I provide two sections of a really informative document on the subject of Private Placements, what they are, and how they are used from a 2019 report that is referenced in the book.
Research Compilation: Through a very carefully controlled, discreet program developed after World War II, and improved by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Managed Buy/Sell programs have raised hundreds of billions of dollars for projects around the world. Project funding is the reason for the existence of this system, and it is for those who are fortunate enough to be in a financial capacity to participate on a very large level.
It concludes with:
Conclusion: Obviously, it would not be a good idea to reveal everything regarding this type of trading in this writing, or on any other public conference or forum. This kind of trading can only continue because it is unknown to the public and traditional clients. The professionals in this business must be extremely cautious when it comes to sharing information.
This book is about my journey into the world of Private Placements in publicly traded companies. My passion to write the book came from my personal experiences in discovering, researching, investing, and profiting in private placement investments of publicly traded companies. This is the story I want to share with you. In the book, I will explain what private placements are, where to find them, how to research the companies offering them, how to subscribe to participate in an offer, as well as a short-term and long-term strategy towards profiting from Free Shares, and maybe even a Keeper!