1. Rationale of the Book
1.1 Problem of Continuous Tropical Deforestation
1.2 Research on Causes of Tropical Deforestation
1.3 Forest Transitions in Finland
1.4 Role of Theories and Purpose of the Book
1.5 Structure of the Book
2. Theory, Method and Data
2.1 Sustained Yield Industrial Forestry
2.2 Existing Theories of Forest Transition
2.3 Theory of Ecological Economics
2.4 Theory of Institutional Economics
2.5 Theories of Property Rights and Public Goods
2.6 Forest-based Development Theory
2.7 Universal System Causality Model of Forest Transition
2.8 Methods and Data
2.9 Discussion
3. Evolution of Preindustrial Forestry in Finland
3.1 Hunting and Gathering Economy
3.2 Shifting Cultivation
3.3 Conversion of Forests for Agriculture
3.4 Industrial Exploitation of Forests
3.5 Great Land Reform
3.6 State Regulatory Institutions
3.7 Informal Institutions
3.8 International Impacts
3.9 Discussion
4. Transition to Industrial Forestry in Finland
4.1 De Facto Transition 1900-1960
4.2 Ecological Conditions
4.3 Informal Institutions
4.4 Formal Institutions
4.5 Enforcement of Institutions
4.6 Forest-based Development
4.7 Coevolution of Forestry and Society
4.8 Inter-Sector Factors
4.9 International Factors
4.10 Transition to Postindustrial Forestry after 1960
4.11 Discussion and Conclusions
5. Deforestation in the Tropics
5.1 Deforestation Tragedy of Socialistic Forestry
5.2 Causes of deforestation in poor and less poor tropical countries
5.3 Underlying causes of expansion of plantations forests among
tropical countries
5.4 Causes and scenarios of deforestation in Mexico
5.5 Role of tropical forests in alleviation of poverty
5.6 Wild West in Uses of Forest Data in Deforestation Studies
5.7 Failures in Global Forest Politics
5.8 Discussion and Conclusions
6. Private Forestry, Community Forestry or Socialistic-Forestry for Forest Transition?
6.1 Comparison of Findings from the Tropical Countries, Mexico and Finland
6.2 Policy Implications
7. Summary of the Book
7.1 Summary of the Rationale of the Book (Chapter 1)
7.2 Summary of the Theory of Deforestation and Forest Transition (Chapter 2)
7.3 Summary of Preindustrial Forestry in Finland (Chapter 3)
7.4 Summary: the Historical Transition to Sustainable Industrial Forestry in Finland (Chapter 4)
7.5 Summary of the Coevolution of Forestry and Society in Finland (Section 4. 7)
7.6 Summary of the Underlying Causes Terminating Deforestation and Facilitating Forest Transition in Finland 1870-1920 (Section 4.11)
7.7 Summary of the Deforestation Tragedy of socialistic-Forestry (Section 5.1)
7.8 Summary of Deforestation in Poor and Less Poor Tropical Countries (Section 5.2)
7.9 Summary: Underlying Causes of Expansion of Plantations Forests in Tropical Countries (Section 5.3)
7.10 Summary: Causes and Scenarios of Deforestation in Mexico (Section 5.4)
7.11 Summary: Role of Tropical Forests in Alleviating Poverty (Section 5.5)
7.12 Summary: 'Wild West' in Uses of Forest Area Data in Deforestation Studies (Section 5.6)
7.13 Summary: Failures of Global Forest Politics in Response to Tropical Deforestation (Section 5.7)
7.14 Summary: Deforestation and Reforestation Substudies Interaction (Section 5.8)
7.15 Summary: Private, Community or Socialistic Forestry for Forest Transition? (Chapter 6)