Prison Journal - Paperback Journal for Inmates: 8.5-inch by 11-inch Blank Journal With 101+ Pages Filled With Lines for Prisoners to Write In And Express Their Feelings - No Wire Spiral Binding, No Metals So Many Prisons Will Accept this Diary for Inmates This is not a moleskin journal, which may be a problem with sending journals to prison inmates. It has a beautiful cover - not anything weird that would decrease the chances of the journal making it inside the prison and into the inmate's cell.
The soft-cover paperback journal could very well help the person in prison get out an array of feelings in the absence of other things that are banned in prisons, like dirty magazines, cell phones, etc.
Writing non-fiction or fiction as a form of escape can be a God-send to those who are in prison.
In fact, Curtis Dawkins, a prisoner serving a life sentence in Michigan for murder was recently offered a book deal from Scribner, a top U.S. literary publishing house for his debut collection of short stories for $150,000.
Inmate activity books can benefit idle minds and let people know that there are other ways to deal with their problems besides expressing their feelings through violence.
When ordering through, make sure when you order this writing type of journal that the diary includes the inmate's registration number on it or it might not be delivered. As far as journals being sent to inmates in prison you have to be careful not to send journals to jails that have items that could be turned into weapons. No metal, leather, fabric, or spiral binding. Send this journal that has a cover that's paperback, not cardboard, and is bound like a regular book; it should go through fine.
Volunteer groups sometimes send books to women and men in prison but some theorize that certain inmates may not receive the journals because the prison wants the inmates to buy journals from the prison commissaries. Most prisons accept only paperback books for inmates.
Sending books and journals to prisons means you should search for the rules for your inmate