One of the main purposes of education is socialization and the development of social skills. It is a process where children learn to communicate with others, and understand the needs of others. Children develop these skills from an early age, and additional training in school allows them to perfect the skills such as negotiation and collaborative problem solving, as well as to spend time with peers, learning to express their attitudes while showing respect for the opinion of others.
Children become better persons
In order to fully understand the world, one needs to possess certain knowledge. Education enables children to acquire academic achievements they will need to interpret life situations, develop critical thinking, and make the best possible decisions. Education helps people to better understand social relationships, needs, and behavior of other people.
It provides such a learning environment that promotes all round development of all learners together in the same educational setting. It is an approach which brings all children together in a common educational community. Relationships between the family, administrations, teachers, classmates etc., should be needed to run the inclusive school and a very basic step to enhance the inclusive education.
Inclusive education acknowledges that some children and young people have intersecting identities or additional needs that schools may need to take into consideration.These identities may relate to; Having a disability or additional learning needs, gender identity, sexual orientation, being an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, race, cultural identity, speaking a language other than English, social factors,
economic factors, experience of abuse, neglect or family violence.etc The culture of respect for one another also grows when children are allowed to play with one another without segregation.
The concept of Inclusion is often discussed as though it applies only to students with disabilities.In reality, Inclusive Education has much wider scope. Valuing all students and staff equally.