View the essentials of learning about letters, sounds, and words in the context of a high-quality literacy program-components of Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas' first book on phonics and spelling, Word Matters and the basis of the lessons in from Pinnell and Fountas' series, Phonics Lessons: Letters, Words, and How They Work.
In part one, Phonics & Spelling Minilessons, watch minilessons as they're presented in a variety of classrooms. See teachers helping children develop phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, letter-sound relationships, spelling patterns, knowledge of high-frequency words, an understanding of word structure, and a variety of effective word-solving actions. The video shows whole-group teaching, independent work by the children as they apply what they've learned, and regrouping to share, reinforce and extend what they have learned about how letters and words work. You will also see children engaging in learning about letters and words in a word study center.
The second part, Buddy Study System, invites you into a classroom for the five-day spelling program where you can learn how to meet the varying spelling needs of children and teach them how to connect their knowledge of spelling to their daily writing. Selecting buddies, building words, making connections, and tools for assessment are all part of what you'll see in a program that emphasizes learning effective strategies, applying principles, and using knowledge of spelling patterns to become independent, competent spellers.
These videos describe how children learn word-solving strategies and how teachers teach word-solving effectively and efficiently. The tapes are meant to benefit those who are establishing systematic phonics and spelling programs in their classrooms. The lessons shown provide examples of explicit teaching on principles that children in kindergarten, first and second grade can apply both in reading and writing. Watch these videos and see how you can use an integrated approach to phonics and spelling instruction to teach children how to become competent word solvers.