If you are Health Conscious - Read Me!!!!
Greetings to all my health conscious Readers! The information in the this book is based on the
comprehensive research studies ever produced on how to prevent cancer at the source ( known
as primary prevention of cancer). It is the research based on existing science, and written by a
cross-section of International cancer experts who reached over its content. Please join me in
reading about what we can do to prevent cancer at the source.
Using Nutrition can heal existing health problems, provide protection against further diseases
such as cancer, and halt the premature aging process in its tracks. The information in this book
can help people to make crucial choices that will lead to vigorous health--safely, naturally, and
inexpensively, as our Creator provided and intended. Included is vital evidence of inherent
dangers from the way food is farmed, processed, transported/ imported, and prepared and how
to fight the growing effects on health (12).
Growing research and evidence support that food fights disease. We can predict that nutrition
will emerge as corner stone of preventive medicine and be recognized as the key to health and
longevity in near future(12).
The goal of this book is to help you realize just how important diet and lifestyle are in the
prevention of cancer. We will walk through the scientific rational not only for dietary changes but
also for life style priorities that together promote healing, reduce cancer occurrence and regulate
your immune system. Beyond an understanding of what to do and why, we will also provide
concrete strategies and resources for implementing these recommendations and help you
overcome obstacles to making these changes(16).
Chapter one focus on Cancer and its risk factors. In chapter 2, we explain how to prevent caner
from the root in every stage of life. In chapter 3, we explain nutritional supplements and their
role in cancer prevention. In chapter 4, we learn about preventing cancer with herbal remedies.
Chapter 5 explains how life style strategies can beat cancer at the source. In chapter 6, we
discuss the environmental hazards and cancer prevention. Chapter 7 is about detoxification and
its vital role to reduce cancer occurrence. Finally, chapter 8 cover some individual and political
changes that will have enormous effect to beat the cancer at the source.
Keep in mind that the earlier you adopt these recommendations, the more likely you are to
completely reverse cancer disease. If cancer runs in your family or you experience symptoms
that indicates that you might be in the early stages of cancer, now its time to act. Improving your
diet and lifestyle will save you from much hardship later on. At the best, you will have discovered
a new vitality, an effective strategy to manage or reverse your disease, hope for a better