"A person is vaccinated by receiving a dead or weakened version of a virus in order to make him resistant to it. Satan, the father of lies, works to undermine and weaken our understanding of the gospel, so that we become resistant to it."
"If you apply these simple gospel truths, they will bring you into a present experience and demonstration of heaven."
The gospel is designed to bring us into a present experience of heaven. If we are not experiencing heaven now, we should consider how we may have become resistant to gospel truths. Present Access To Heaven helps us to do just that, dealing with every lie and hindrance that is keeping us from experiencing heaven now and walking as heavenly people. It makes a scriptural case for just how much is possible right now in Christ, and is full of true stories illustrating the truths presented.
-How you can go to heaven now and experience heaven in any circumstances
-How to live as a heavenly person
-How to receive God's love and let it transform you
-How to recognize and overcome obstacles which keep you from seeing God as he is and living in heaven while on earth
-How to experience and release the peace, joy, and love that reign in heaven
-How Christians often deny Christ's atonement, resurrection, and incarnation without realizing it
-How Christians fall into the error of trying to "descend into the deep" or "bring Christ up from the dead."
-Where the church has sometimes gone wrong in "spiritual warfare," and how to fight spiritual battles effectively
-What hinders Christians from exercising their dominion in Christ, and how to exercise heaven's dominion wherever you go
-How to recognize the subtle mindsets that have made Christians feel frustrated and powerless
-How rich you are in Christ
-How to break free from self-pity
-How to heal the sick and make the maimed whole
Present Access To Heaven was born not only out of scriptural study, but through many trials and victories. It's loaded with encouragement and truth to build you up in your faith and make you strong in Christ.
About the Author:
Jonathan Brenneman was born in Rochester, New York and raised in Pennsylvania. Although a very troubled child he was at the same time very religious. He read the Bible from cover to cover when he was seven years old, all the while questioning and wondering about the existence of God.
When Jonathan was nine years old, he woke up one morning with bad back pain. His mother prayed for him, and to his surprise, he felt something like a hot ball of energy rolling up and down inside his back, and the pain melted away. It was shocking to say the least, but it convinced him God did exist! He later told his friends, "I know that God is real. I felt his hand on my back."
In spite of this experience, Jonathan still had no peace. He prayed the "sinner's prayer" but with no change until two years later when he had a "born again" experience. It felt like heaven opened and unexplainable joy and peace descended upon him! He was different, and knew it! The things he had felt so guilty about that he tried unsuccessfully to change, were simply gone.
After this time, Jonathan dedicated his life to the Lord as a missionary, going on his first mission trip at age fourteen. As a teenager and young adult he continued to travel and learn languages. Then, in a time of desperation when he was twenty years old, Jonathan went to a Christian conference where the Lord touched and encouraged him. It was the start of a supernatural lifestyle and growing in spiritual gifts, during which time many amazing miracles and healings began to happen.
Jonathan worked in construction, but in between jobs he began to visit churches in the United States and Canada as well as in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Jonathan has encouraged the believers, shared testimonies, and spoken with unbelievers and prayed for them. He's also worked with children and seniors. Jonathan believes it's a wonderful and tremendous privilege to be able to serve the people for whom Jesus gave his life.
Jonathan is now a missionary in Rio de Janeiro Brazil with his wife Elizabeth, and daughter Rebekah. He loves people, enjoys being with them, and rejoices at seeing what the Holy Spirit does in their lives. He likes to minister in the role of teaching, laying hands on the sick, visiting the elderly, and working with children-always loving them so they in turn will learn to love others with the love of God.