Preparing to Cleave - Discovering Hope, Healing, and Love
You followed all the advice, did the work, and ring in sight.
Don't worry, Preparing to Cleave is here to get you back on track!
In a world that often measures worth by relationship status, many single Christian women find themselves grappling with despair, wondering why they remain unfulfilled.
This book of wisdom stems from a divine calling, which began on November 21, 2002, during a trip from Lagos to Port-Harcourt, when Eturuvie Erebor felt a clear message from God. The message was simple: "You will break the yoke of marital delay and prepare women in every aspect for a fulfilling marriage." This led to the creation of Preparing to Cleave Bible study group in 2004, a series of seminars and now, the book.
This spiritual book reveals the root causes of marital delay and offers practical solutions, including prayer points, to overcome it. It also features a workbook to guide women in understanding their future spouses during courtship, ensuring confidence when they say, "I do."
Unlock the Mysteries of Your Heart
No sugar-coating the journey of singleness! This powerful volume transcends the conventional narratives found in many Christian books and self-help books. It delves deep into the profound questions of identity and purpose.
Why do we long for connection?
What hidden forces might be keeping us bound?
By addressing the underlying causes, this marriage book provides you with a roadmap to reclaim your narrative and step confidently into your destiny.
Key Insights You Will Discover: