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Editorial Reviews - Prehistoric Tylopods From the Publisher Chapters: Prehistoric Camelids, Protoceratids, Poebrotherium, Titanotylopus, Hemiauchenia, Camelops, Protoceras, Aepycamelus, Synthetoceras, Oxydactylus, Pseudoprotoceras, Syndyoceras, Procamelus, Gigantocamelus, Poabromylus, Paratoceras, Prosynthetoceras, Leptotragulus, Leptoreodon, Heteromeryx, Kyptoceras, Trigenicus, Australocamelus, Paratylopus, Toromeryx, Michenia, Nothokemas, Megacamelus, Protolabis, Synthetoceratinae, Miotylopus, Lambdoceras, Protoceratinae, Priscocamelus, Paralabis, Cuyamacamelus, Floridatragulus, Kyptoceratini, Pseudolabis, Tanymykter, Anoplotheriidae, Gentilicamelus, Aguascalientia, Poebrodon, Alforjas, Stenomylus, Synthetoceratini, Paracamelus, Protylopus, Hesperocamelus, Xiphodontidae, Blancocamelus, Camelini, Pliauchenia, Eulamaops, Syrian Camel. Excerpt: Poebrotherium is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore the family Camelidae, endemic to North America from the Eocene through Oligocene 3830.8 mya, existing for approximately . Fossil of Poebrotherium sp. in CosmoCaixa, BarcelonaPoebrotherium was first named by scientist Joseph Leidy in 1848, and its relationship to other White River fossils was later expanded by him in 1853. Fur trapper Samuel Culbertson was working in Nebraska in pursuit of fur bearing mammals, and found a collection of strange fossil animal bones. He sent a box of these bones to has family back east, and not knowing what to make of them, they forwarded the remains to Leidy for identification. Several animals' remains were included in this package, but one of the most interesting was that of a small mammal, about the size of a small deer or sheep. In addition to a partial skull, a portion of a forelimb was found. The portions that Leidy was able to examine helped him determine it was likely relate... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=5731818 Synopsis Chapters: Prehistoric Camelids, Protoceratids, Poebrotherium, Titanotylopus, Hemia