"Betsey has the amazing gift of prophecy. She has proven time and time again how gifted she is, like my friend, the late famous psychic Armand Marcotte."- Ann Druffel, author of best-selling book THE TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS International Psychic Betsey Lewis predicted April of 2016 after receiving a powerful vision that Donald J. Trump would become the 45th President of the United States while other psychics maintained that Hillary Clinton would win. She foresaw terrorist attacks increasing through the year, and envisioned blood flowing in the streets of the world. She predicted extreme weather worldwide--floods, wildfires and winter cold. She even accurately predicted celebrity deaths, including the possible murder of Justice Scalia. Again, her amazing predictions have proven accurate time and time again.
What did the ancient prophets foresee for this time period? Some believe Apostle John described Planet X in his visions two thousand years ago and a shift of Earth's poles or a nuclear holocaust? Oddly, on January 20, 2016, the world was stunned when CalTech scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin held a press conference and claimed they had discovered a giant planet in our distant solar system, possibly the long-sought after Planet X.
Prophets through the centuries have given us similar apocalyptic visions of the future (St. Hildegard, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Padre Pio, Black Elk, ET contactee Billy Meier and other ET abductees), but were those visions of a distant time line or events that will transpire in the present?
The Indigenous elders worldwide say "Sky Beings" have told them that a great Earth cleansing is coming due to humanity's greater orientation to the material world and technology and now the prophecies are being fulfilled. Already we are witnessing the signs-the opening of the Seventh Seal described by Apostle John with mysterious booms and horn-like sounds heard worldwide, sink holes forming and giant cracks in the Earth, animals and sea creatures dying, increased earthquake and volcanic activity and extreme weather. These are the signs we are going from the Fourth world into the Fifth world, they say.
Discover the predictions and prophecies through the centuries, and Betsey's own accurate predictions since childhood. Although the prophets describe a dire future, they say Earth's changes will bring about an awakening of spiritual consciousness where a beautiful Golden Age awaits us. The author believes that when we finally honor and respect all life and Mother Earth, the disastrous Earth changes predicted will not be as destructive.