Are you one of those people who work so hard to earn a living that you hardly pay close attention to what you eat?
On the other hand, have you been going through a rough season in your life that all you do is think about that persistent problem that is putting you down, and if you were honest with yourself, you would admit that you are slowly sinking into depression? If these or any other statements describe something you are going through that is causing you to have poor feeding habits, then you might need to book an appointment with your doctor for a health checkup.
Most people go through hard times in their lives that they just want to give up on the most basic things or end up being too busy that they hardly have time to sleep, eat properly, or even exercise. The problem with spending too much time in such seasons is that they can lead someone to develop diabetes, especially if such an individual has genetic or other underlying factors that could predispose him or her to acquire the disease.
Arguably, the ideal life would be one that is full of fun and exciting days, working relationships with everyone around, well-paying jobs that require little investments in time every day, and perfect health. Since very few people, if any, get to experience such a life, most people have to live with the fear of acquiring health complications that they should ideally have control over.
The objective of writing this book is to help people understand as much about diabetes and prediabetes as possible and to give people hope that they can live a healthy and happy life regardless of their health conditions. Some people do not know whether they have diabetes or not. Others are worried thinking that diabetes will be the end of them, and others just want to know what a friend or family member is going through.
When you buy this book, you will learn:
- What poor nutrition is and why and how people get there The consequences of poor nutrition
- The unhealthy eating habits that lead to diabetes and the process of breaking them
- What diabetes is, its symptoms, and its causes
- How doctors test/diagnose diabetes
- The short term and long term effects of diabetes on the body
- An overview of cardiovascular diseases and their causes
- Proven ways to prevent diabetes
- The prediabetes food plan and its features
- A sample diet plan for prediabetes
- An action plan for preventing diabetes
- The mindset to change your life and how the mind can help you fight against diabetes
- The key elements of a healthy and happy lifestyle and Tips on how to live with diabetes
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