The year is 3023. Fifty years ago, global warming caused the world's ice caps to melt, leaving just twenty-five percent of the land not covered in water. The coastal towns and cities were the first to be swept away when the water level rose drastically, killing many millions of people.
Temperature upon the land became so hot that if you were caught outside for any length of time, your skin would blister and burn.
The whole world descended into chaos, governments fell, and anarchy reigned supreme. To try and bring some order to the broken civilisation. A group called the Commission sought to bring structure into the chaos before the people destroyed what little land and resources they had left.
They constructed vast walls to keep out the rising tides and used satellites orbiting the planet to put a barrier around what was left of the world, which had been aptly named the Last Isle. This helped to stop the blistering temperatures from killing the last of civilisation. This barrier may have prevented the blazing hot sun's rays from scorching the land, keeping the people safe, however, this came at a cost.
The leader of this group, the High Commissioner, a man called Hector Forthright, now held what was left of the world in his grasp. The Commission controlled everything from food to water to the temperature of each sector and even the amount of sleep they received. This was all dependent on the Sector's hard work.
There was, however, a huge disparity between the haves and have-nots. Some walked around in the latest fashions, while others wore rags that haven't been washed for weeks. Some ate like kings and queens, while others scavenged for scraps amongst the waste discarded by the higher in society.
Life for some was a lavish affair of privilege and parties; others lived a life full of dread and despair. Everything was a struggle, and life was about as much fun as being torn apart by hungry wolves. Something that was a real possibility if they were unlucky enough to have to face the Predator Pit. A cruel game devised by the High Commissioner to provide entertainment for the more prevalent in society, but also a chance for the Sectors to win their freedom from a life of suffering.
Can a young girl fight back against the tyrannical rule and bring hope to those whose lives are viewed as little more than slaves? Could she unite the people and give a voice to the forgotten ones? An ancient gift to be able to communicate with the animals may be the only hope that these people have, but can this unique ability still be nurtured in the desperate and desolate surroundings?