Product Description.
Prayer Journal For Incarcerated Women: 52 Weeks Scripture, Devotional and Guided prayer Journal.
The perfect companion for Individual worship or bible study, created with great love specifically for female prisoners.
"When our loved ones are incarcerated, we hope and pray everyday for their welfare, missing them and knowing that they are deeply missing us and their freedom too. Imprisonment is a severe punishment delivered by society and along with it can come many hardships leaving our loved ones feeling isolated, terrified and alone.
Throughout the years, turning to God has proven to be a miracle lifeline for many inmates. Not only does it give them a purpose and sense of hope, but if offers them a place to lay down their load, take much needed comfort and start the process of self-transformation whilst connecting them to other inmates with the same values.
Prison is a place designed to punish those who break the law, but God can and does use it as a place of transformation, healing and refinement, pursuing prisoners with love and never giving up on them. When an inmate is enlightened with this truth, they will gain a sense of peace and hope and see a new way emerging for them. The time spent in prison does not have to be an unproductive hardship but a time of not only surviving but thriving. It can most definitely be a time of renewal and optimism for a new way of living whilst carrying out the sentence given and most importantly, starting a new life on release never to be never incarcerated again.
Everyone deserves a second chance in life and to find their way back to God.
The Christian Prayer Journal for Incarcerated women includes:
- Weekly Bible Verses for Prayer
- Journal prompts to enhance and strengthen the walk with God, including forgiveness and gratitude
- Weekly Scripture (52) to reflect on throughout the week, really taking the verse into our hearts with a reflection page to record thoughts and responses.
- Own personal prayer section.
A perfect gift of hope for your loved one.
"I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness"
Isaiah 42:6-7