Thank you for purchasing our prayer journal. Every other page
has a passage from the Bible for you to journalize your thoughts
about, in addition, there is an old time quote on the page to
further your inspiration about that day's passage.
You'll find these pages have places to record the things you're
grateful for on that day, a prayer for someone or someplace
or something in need. There's also an area to write out your
prayer for the day as well as at the bottom of each page we've
left space for you to write down your general thoughts.
In addition, every other page we've included a blank page for
you to write in any passage you've been thinking about or want
to know more about. The quote box is empty as well for you
to record any quotes you may want in relation to your passage
of choice.
How you use this journal is, of course, entirely up to you. Some
folks like to go through the journal the first time and do only the
pages that have passages and quotes already provided. They then
go through and do all the blank pages for themselves.
Others will simply go day by day, one day they'll do the journal
page that has the provided passage and the next day they'll do the
blank page and provide their own passage.
How you choose to use this journal, again, is entirely up to you.
We just hope that it helps organize your daily prayer, meditations
and thoughts.
Thanks again and have a Blessed Day.