S.G. Preston and his wife, Linda Founded the first Evangelical Monastic Order on the Internet in 1999. A 21-year Interdenominational "Mere Christianity" global ministry in all 50 States and 47 Countries. "The Best of Prayer Teaching from All Christian Communions and Eras."
Anchor your day, and your life, with a dedicated time of daily prayer. Pray the Psalms, memorize, and meditate on Scripture with St Patrick, Columba of Iona, Aidan of Lindisfarne, and many other Celtic Saints.
Along with "Prayer as a Total Lifestyle: Learning from the Greatest Lives of Prayer," the first 2 Volumes of this Series are a History of Prayer: 2 Practical Handbooks of the best Prayer Truths, Tips, and Practices.
The 3rd Volume; "Answers to Prayer: A Global 24-Hr. Prayerchain Since 2000," will inspire you and grow your faith for your own prayer requests.
Prayer and God's word inspired thousands of Celtic Missionary Monks to convert Scotland, Ireland, and northern England to Christ.
Celtic Christian prayer: a continual awareness of the presence of God and of His creation. Simplicity, mystery, joy, and the calming peace of God.
Makes a thoughtful gift for friends, relatives, and young people.