I remember as a young girl listening to the pastor preach. I was sitting in the pew with my mom and younger brother; I watched as the tears welled up in my mother's eyes. The next thing I knew, she got up from her seat and walked down to the alter for prayer. When she returned, I asked, "Mommy, why did you get in that long line to see the pastor?" She replied, "I needed to ask the Lord for help." Watching my mother and countless others stand in a line the length of an amusement park ride, gave me the impression that the pastor and his leaders must have direct access to the Lord. It must be their Godly connection that helped their prayers reach Heaven. Even as a child, I knew that the power of God flowed from their tongues. So, naturally, I assumed that my pastor was the link that helped the congregation's prayers get answered. Why else would they stand in line crying, screaming and shouting, or passed out on the floor with the shakes?
As I observed the prayer line, my heart believed that if I ever needed something from the Lord, I would have to go to church. As I got older, I learned that I needed to pray too. I tried and tried, but I believed that my prayers weren't impactful. I rarely saw things change or manifest as a result of my prayers. When I did, I gave credit to luck, not God. Therefore, when I really needed something from God, I found myself running to the church for a prayerful intervention.
In 2016, I heard a message that forever transformed me and my prayer life. I wish you could have watched the revelation hit my soul when I learned that God wants to hear directly from us. This new information hit me like lightning; "God wants to hear from me?!"
Over the next several months, I attempted to dedicate myself to praying before bed. Unfortunately, I didn't see any results which only caused my frustration to grow. My situations didn't change. My attitudes didn't change. I felt like my prayers were not breaking through to Heaven. I felt like none of my prayers were answered.
Even though I was disillusioned and discouraged, I still believed God was good. I knew there was something I was missing, but I didn't know what that something was. Then one night during Bible study, my pastor taught us how to pray in a way that would get answers from Heaven. Friend, I took pages and pages of notes that night! I wanted to be one whose prayers were answered by the Lord. Since that Bible study, my life has never been the same! I've encountered God in ways I never knew existed. My prayers were answered; change was manifesting right in front of my eyes. It was so exciting! But the greatest impact that shifted in my prayer life was how much my love for Jesus grew in inexplicable ways. My love for Him increased because I began to understand how much He loves me!
Our Father wants a relationship with YOU. He desperately wants to connect with YOU. He wants you to know Him intimately. So, allow me to share with you what God has taught me about prayer. Let me share the secrets God gave me to getting answers to life's situations. My prayer for you is that your relationship with the Father will deepen through your connection in prayer.
May you find each chapter is like a piece in a puzzle. As you continue reading, you will discover that each one fits together to create one picture. You can look at them separately, but everything comes into focus when you put them together. So, as you read, may your heart believe that truly prayer answers all.