No matter how simple or complex your woodworking goals, the same basic skills are needed: selecting and cutting wood, shaping, assembling and sanding the components, and using the right tools for the job. This book provides a good grounding in each of these areas, showing you how to improve your skills and expertise as you become more experienced. The book also includes a guide to the main groups of tools needed for woodworking, for example tools for measuring, marking, cutting, shaping and finishing. All the basic cutting and assembling techniques are described and illustrated step-by-step, and there are also advanced techniques for producing decorative work. Finally, the book shows how to stain, varnish, paint, laquer, wax and polish wood, ensuring a beautiful finish to your creations. Whether you are an experienced woodworker or a beginner, this manual is a handy reference that you will refer to again and again.
- How to choose the right tools for working with wood,
from saws and planes to drills and sanders, with tips on
planning your workshop and working safely
- An essential guide to fixings and fittings, to ensure that
you use the most suitable screws, nails, hinges and
catches for the job
- Includes basic techniques for selecting and storing
wood, cutting, shaping, assembling and glueing, how to
make joints, and finishing techniques such as staining,
varnishing, polishing, lacquering, waxing and oiling
- Over 600 photographs make even the most
technically difficult tasks easy to follow, and practical
tips throughout explain the best ways of perfecting
your woodworking skills