You start to realize that, contrary to what you have been telling yourself for years, you aren't really in control of your life anymore.
Think about it!
- Have you been having a hard time dealing with life and its struggles lately?
- Have you felt that what you want your mind to allow you to do and sustain, and what you are actually doing are on two entirely different levels?
- Have you realized that you are unaware of how your mind and body functions in reality is opposed to how you would like for them to function?
What people tend to forget, is that meditation is about awareness. Awareness not just of one's self and one's thoughts, but also of one's consciousness, and of the barriers that you have allowed your mind to build for you.
You see, we live life with so much noise, literally and figuratively, especially in this fast-paced world, that like it or not, it is pretty common for people to lose themselves to everything that is going on.
It's like binge watching a television show. At some point you don't even know where your last four days went, and you realize that you haven't eaten a healthy meal during that entire time. Do you know what you need to do at times like this?
You need to hit the "pause button."
You need to hit pause, get up, get your blood flowing, eat a meal, go to the bathroom, take a shower and reevaluate what you really need to be doing.
Meditation is like a personal pause button for life. It allows you to take a break from all the noise, all the action and all of the constant stress that is surrounding you. Take a minute and quiet your mind, so that your soul can speak to you. The objective of meditation is just that; to dim the lights and dull the noise just enough for you to allow your truest self to shine through like a beacon, so that you can remember why you are here, and who you want to be.
"Practical Meditation for Beginners - Mind Hacking to 21 days of Highly Effective Guided Meditations to Improve Your Life, Your Energy, Balance and Healing of Your Body" was written to help you do all this and more.
Practical Meditation for Beginners starts by helping you focus your attention through a process of thought organization. By helping relax your mind from the overworking it gets from unorganized thoughts, Practical Meditation for Beginners provides a holistic solution to this lack of clear focus and mindful living by guiding you through three main issues -
1. Physical Relaxation - where the body is taught to physically let go of stress and hypersensitivity.
2. Mental Clarity - where the mind is trained and organized so that you can focus on maintaining better focus and attention in all things and activities.
And finally,
3. Goal Setting - where you can teach yourself to use specific meditations to train your mind to achieve specific goals that align with what you want for yourself, or with the bigger picture you have planned for yourself.
Do you feel like it's just not something you can do because of how busy your mind is, and you feel like slowing down will take away your edge? Are you skeptical of the power of meditation to change your life?
In 2011, Harvard researchers conducted a study on meditation and found that, in addition to boosting the overall well-being of the users, meditation also helped boost focus and reduced age-related cognitive decline, such as forgetfulness or even certain ailments. Marines have been known to use meditation to help increase their stress resistance.