Industrial Pharmacy I is the branch of Pharmacy that deals with
Scientific and technological aspects related to design and Development of
dosage forms. The current curriculam implemented by Pharmacy council
of India New Delhi as Regulation 2014 has practical industrial Pharmacy
- I subject at semester - V of third year of the B.Pharm course. This
practical book covers Whole of the experimental components Specified in
the Syllabus. The book has been covering different dosage forms like
tablets, capsules, injections, eye drops and eye ointment, creams .Auther
have made Special attemps to cover all aspects ranging from
preformulation studies, dosage form design, Products manufacturing
processes to facility design and management, packaging,
evaluation, Quality control and Regulation.taking this as an opportunity
we have tried our level best to give detail insight of the Subject
expectations with respect to experiments on solid dosage forms and
testing of Packaging materials