Have you ever thought about the power simple awareness of yourself and your surroundings can have? Are you sometimes a negative person or rather technical and logical and feel that your lack of emotional competence could potentially hurt your relationships or career? Or do you simply want to understand yourself and the people around you much better?
If you answered yes to at least one of the questions above, this guide was directly written for you. We all know about the major importance of intelligence and the IQ on your whole life, your career and your success in general.
In 1995, Daniel Goleman published the now well-known bestseller and revolutionary concept of 'Emotional Intelligence' and why it can be absolutely crucial in your life to determine success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being.
Since then, science has made tremendous progress to expand the effect the EQ has on the critical parts in life.
For example, in 'It pays to have an eye for emotions: Emotion recognition ability indirectly predicts annual income', Tassilo Momm et al found that the better people are at recognizing emotions, the better they handle the politics in organizations and the interpersonal aspects of work life, and thus the more they earn in their jobs.
The findings imply that emotional abilities enable people to be more successful at work.
But knowing what EQ is and knowing how to use it to improve your life are two very different things. That is exactly why we wanted to deliver a practical step-by-step program for increasing your EQ via proven, scientific practices you can implement in your everyday life.
In "Practical Emotional Intelligence" you'll discover:
- The 5 little-known practices to INSTANTLY improve your ability to understand others and yourself better day by day! (even if you feel completely hopeless right now)
- The real difference between people with high and low EQ
- Why these 3 existing EI-models can make you suddenly aware of what you are potentially lacking what high EQ people naturally get
- The simple but uncommon strategies to transform the knowledge about emotional intelligence into straight actions
- The biggest myth busted: how your thoughts and habits really influence your emotions and your emotional health (and what you should change to experience dramatic results!)
- What the best tactics are to reduce stress in your relationships and confidently defuse heated situations
- The absolute best 5 ways to put everything together and create your long-lasting, personalized EQ-training plan (we guide you from a-z for sustainable success long after you have finished this guide)
...and much, much more!
Even if you are a complete beginner and don't have any concept of EQ, the extensive research that went into this guide and the practical applications and exercises will instantly boost your abilities to analyze your root problems in understanding emotions of others and even yourself and attack it from multiple different angles.
So if you want to finally unlock your true potential in work, social life or regarding understanding yourself, click "Add to Cart" to start mastering your emotional intelligence now!
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