Get started and learn a step-by-step approach to application development using Microsoft Azure. Select the right services to solve the problem at hand in a cost-effective manner and explore the many services designed to help you in building enterprise applications.
This new edition covers Azure PaaS and serverless cloud native solutions and gives you the holistic approach to Azure as a solutions development platform. It discusses recent developments in cloud applications and architecture such as the modern application development landscape and serverless middleware. You will learn about web application development in Azure PaaS with modern JavaScript. Since the last edition was based on the legacy .NET Framework, Practical Azure Application Development has been updated with significant ASP.NET Core changes. Also new in this edition: production-ready setup with traffic flow and configuration of the application with production-ready features. Finally, you'll cover extended architecture patterns to see how you can integrate additional services with the application.
After reading this book, you will be able to build complete business solutions on Azure using different services.
What You Will Learn- Discover end-to-end solution design and development in Azure
- Integrate additional services with the application
- Understand the basics of security, data protection, and cost controls in Azure
Who This Book Is For
Developers and architects who have experience in .NET and web development, but have little or no knowledge in planning and developing an application on Azure.
About the Author: Vijayakumar Thurupathan (Thuru) is an associate solutions architect at Tiqri and a Microsoft Azure MVP. Thuru has been involved in the design and development of various software solutions for many enterprises and startups. Thuru is a versatile speaker and a known blogger. He specializes in software design, business intelligence, the security-development life cycle, and data intelligence services. He lives in Colombo, and enjoys travelling and eating. Twitter: @thurutweets.