During the years of my mom's life she kept indicating that she
wanted to write a book about her life. As a child I loved the
stories she told about her childhood, my grandparents whom
I never knew, and about her early days in Gary, Indiana.
While I encouraged her to do so and even provided her a tape
recorder to record her story, I failed to take a more active role
helping her to tell the interesting story of her life. On July 21,
1991 it became too late to write the book she wanted titled Angels
Watching Over Me. I am dedicating this book, The Power of
the Tongue: Rise Up and Walk, to her memory.
For more than 35 years I have been asked to serve as speaker
for numerous events. This book captures excerpts from years
and years of speeches. Every time I have spoken I have done
so, not with a desire for accolades, but with a desire to motivate
and empower people. This desire gives genesis to the title
of this book, The Power of the Tongue: Rise up and Walk. Words
can tear down and words can build. It is my humble but sincere
desire that the words, scripted herein, will motivate and
empower people long after my bones are laid to rest.
The Bible tells of a time when Peter and John were at the point
of entering the temple. A man, who had been lame from his
birth, asked for charity. Peter fixed his eyes on him, and so did
John, and said, "Look at us" (Acts 3:4). So he watched them
closely. Then Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such
as I have give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
rise up and walk." And he took him by the right hand, and
lifted him up; and immediately his feet and anklebones received
strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and
entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping and
praising God (Acts 3:6-8). It is my prayer that those who read
this book would not only rise up and walk, but also run faster
than the wind. I only ask that if one is motivated that he/she
will give God Almighty the praise.