This may be the most powerful book you will ever read! It will give you more than the just the power to change your life, it will give you the power to change the world! This book is the key that unlocks an immense power, the power to persuade!
Your power to persuade others will have a profound affect on your life. When you are able to unlock the extreme power of persuasion, it changes your life in many wonderful ways!
We all encounter everyday events where we need to be persuasive. For example, we may want to persuade a new employer to hire us, or our boss to give us a raise, or a customer to buy our product, or a co-worker to cover our shift, or a potential date to go out with us, or our spouse to go on vacation in a certain place, or our child to do their homework, or our friend to go to lunch with us, etc. In each of these situations and in so many other situations, we need the power to persuade to be successful and to get the most out of our life.
Persuasion is something we all do, but most of us have very little knowledge about how to do it effectively. Persuasion is a something that is seldom taught in schools, we are not taught about it in high school or college, there is no class called "Persuasion 101." But persuasion is an extremely important part of virtually every aspect of our life and of our interactions with others.
Here you will learn the different kinds of persuasion methods along with examples of how to effectively use persuasion in your day to day life, and even how to use persuasion to change the world.
Some of the persuasion techniques discussed here are so powerful that caution is recommended before you ever use them. I want to caution every reader to wisely use the extremely powerful secrets of persuasion revealed here!