Are you sick and tired of changing diapers all day?
Do you find yourself longing for the days that you no longer have to cart around the hefty, overstuffed diaper bag and the bag of wipes that always seems to be on the verge of running out?
If you are the parent of a NewBorn Superhero that is still in diapers and you are ready for the freedom that potty training can offer you, then this is the book for you!
Why? Because this book goes beyond the typical potty training guides available in that in addition to the step-by-step guide, that will walk you through the process of potty training in less than 72 hours.
It also includes crucial information and insight into the physiological and psychological processes that our children are going through as they make the leap out of their diapers and on to the toilet!
Toddlers are wired differently than adults and tapping into this toddler psychology will give you the advantage as you enter into this process with your little one.
Inside this audiobook you will learn:
- How to use powerful psychological tools to help you and your little genius become a team
- The myths and misconceptions surrounding potty training
- How to avoid the potential pitfalls that many parents and caregivers fall into in potty training
- The step-by-step guide will provide the template to begin a successful potty training process in less than 72 hours
- Get the facts about the physiological process of potty training and why it varies so much from child to child
- An exclusive Bonus Chapter about Montessori Toddler Discipline Tips & Tricks
Potty Training is often cited as one of the most stressful events in a parent or caregivers experience with their child. Unfortunately, the child's experience is all too often forgotten about in this process, and this book provides the information that you will need to shift your perspective from one of forcing to one of collaborating. You will see how much simpler and stress-free this experience can be when you and your child work together as a team!
Potty training shouldn't be a battle! With the information found in this book, your experience will be less fight and more teamwork as you carefully follow the steps outlined in this easy to understand and follow guide.
If you want to learn the best way to Potty Train your little genius...
Scroll up the page, Click the Buy Now button to Grab Your Copy Now and the results will leave all your friends asking you, "How do you make it look so easy?"