The Potter's Hands is my heart's message to every believer who longs to be used by God but may not fully understand the process of preparation. When we look at a potter shaping clay, it's a powerful metaphor for what God does in our lives-slowly, intentionally, and with a purpose that often surpasses our immediate understanding. I've spent decades in ministry, and I've seen firsthand that the call to serve God is not something to take lightly. But it's also not something that happens overnight. The journey to becoming a vessel for His glory is a process, and it's this process that I explore.
I use the analogy of a potter working with clay to guide you through the stages of preparation for God's use. Each stage has its challenges and purpose, and each is essential for us to become vessels of honor, fit for the Master's use. Whether you are in the early stages of sensing God's call on your life or have been serving for years, this book will help you understand the importance of yielding to the process. I want readers to feel encouraged, inspired, and challenged to trust God even in the moments when it feels like nothing is happening. Sometimes we feel like we've been placed on a shelf-forgotten or overlooked-but that's never the case with God. Every step, every delay, every trial is part of His divine plan to prepare you for His purposes.
The Bible is full of stories where God took time to prepare His chosen servants. Look at Joseph. Before he could govern Egypt, he spent years in prison. Look at Moses. Before he could lead Israel out of bondage, he spent decades in the desert. Look at David. He was anointed as king but then spent years running from Saul before he ever sat on the throne. And, of course, look at Jesus, who was tested in the wilderness before He began His ministry. There's a pattern here that we can't ignore: God always prepares His vessels before they are put to use.
In the same way, The Potter's Hands walks through the various stages of that preparation process. From the moment God calls us out of darkness and begins shaping our hearts, to the refining fires that strengthen our character and make us resilient for the work ahead, every chapter is designed to show you that God's process is perfect-even when it doesn't feel like it. I believe it's important to understand that the waiting, the stretching, the refining, and even the fiery trials are all part of God's meticulous plan to make you ready for the tasks He has set before you.
One of the most profound truths I've learned in my journey with the Lord is that intimacy with Him cannot be measured by outward success. It's not about the size of your ministry, the depth of your teachings, or how many people you've led to Christ. While those things are wonderful, they are not the true measure of intimacy with God. Real intimacy with God is something only He can measure, and it happens in the quiet, often unseen places of our lives-when we are still on the wheel, being molded and shaped by His hands.
This book is a call to surrender to the Potter's hands. It's a call to stop resisting the process and to start embracing it. God is not interested in producing quick, cheap, or shallow vessels. He wants to craft vessels of honor-strong, beautiful, resilient, and able to carry His glory. And for that, we must be willing to go through the process, to trust Him when He places us on the shelf, to yield when He stretches us, and to endure when He puts us through the fire.
So, if you're in a season where it feels like you're being stretched, or if you've been placed on a shelf and you're wondering why nothing seems to be happening, I want to remind you that God is at work. He hasn't forgotten you. You are in His hands, and He is crafting something beautiful. Trust Him, yield to Him, and let Him finish the work He has begun in you. It's all part of His divine plan to prepare you for His glory.