Peter McLaren
1. Petar Jandric (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia) and Derek Ford (DePauw University, USA)
Part 1: Theories
2. Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures - Petar Jandric (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia) and Derek Ford (DePauw University, USA)
3. Hypermodernity, Adaptation, and Education - Alexander J. Means (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA)
4. Dialogic teleologies in the great reset - Greta Goetz (Univrsity of Belgrade, Serbia)
5. Touching Correspondence: Walking dogs and writing letters - Angela Inez Baldus and Samuel D. Rocha University of British Columbia
6. Postdigital voices: Subjectivity, power, and pedagogy - Derek Ford, Katie Swenson, and Meg Fosher DePauw Unviersity
Part 2: Decolonization
7. Decolonizing Ecopedagogies: Beyond a Settler Education - Hugh Burnam, Syracuse University
8. Postdigital Ecopedagogical Praxis: Toward Decolonial And Affirmative Biopolitical Horizons - Gregory Bourasa, University of Iowa
9. Pan African Socialism and Decolonial Trajectories: Postdigital Implications - Curry Malott (West Chester University, USA) 10. Insurrectional democracy, military perversion and the quest for environmental peace: the last frontiers of ecopedagogy before us - Paul R. Carr (Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada)
11. Ecopedagogy and new imaginaries: Can critical media literacy offer hope for reimagining a world without 'digital divides' of (neo)coloniality, (eco)racism, and anthropocentrism? - Greg William Misiaszek, David Yisrael Epstein-HaLevi, Stephan Reindl
12. A diffractive vision for postdigital tertiary education in a "Hybrid University" in Aotearoa, New Zealand. - Mahdis Azarmandi, Cheryl Brown, Sara Tolbert, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury
Part 3: Education
13. Composting the anti-human University - Richard Hall, DeMontfort University, UK
14. Ecopedagogies of attainment and progress in postdigital contexts (Sarah Hayes, University of Wolverhampton, UK)
15. Towards second-wave architectural ecopedagogies: the continuing need for revolutionary praxes in built environment education - James Benedict Brown (Umeå University, Sweden)
16. Speculative Postdigital Ecopedagogies and Cinematic Cephalopods: Thinking-with (yet-to-come) Walks with Strangers - (Victoria O'Sullivan, University of Auckland, NZ)
17. Ear to the Ground: The Pedagogical Potential of Site-Specific Sound Art - (Noni Brynjolson, University of Indianapolis, US)
18. Postdigital intercreative pedagogies: ecoeducational practices for the commons - Carlos Escaño & Julia Mañero (University of Sevilla, Spain)
19. Ecopedagogy is the Pedagogy Against Capital: Need for a Radical Rupturing of the Dehumanised Façade Beyond the Concessionary Liberal Politics - Ravi Kumar
20. Malfunctioning right in our backyards OR the strangeness of ecological awareness - (Jesse Bazzul and Valerie Triggs)
21. Greta's Choice - (Juha Suoranta, University of Tampe