The main tasks of WG13 were (1) to contribute, in the early phase of the
project, to the identification of political scientists across Europe-a tentative
'census' subsequently built on by national teams in 2017-2018; (2) to
contribute to the general online survey jointly edited by WG3 and WG4,
distributed among European political scientists in 2018-2019 and (3) to
provide updated information about the situation of the profession on the
continent, in particular by generating reports (mostly of a qualitative
nature) based on a questionnaire distributed among the Action's participants
In regard to the first point, Action participants quickly realised just how
challenging a comparative study of the state of the discipline in Europe
was. Despite the widely acknowledged process of continental integration
driven by the European Union (EU), the academic landscape has been,
and still is, characterised by a great variety of traditions, institutions and
resources-and not simply due to the fact that not all European states are
EU member states. Understanding the category 'political science' means
dealing with a discipline which has been variously labelled (political science
or political sciences, political science or political studies and political
science or 'politology') and which has variable relationships with a variety
of subfields, each independent to a lesser or greater degree (international
relations, public policy, public administration, political economy, political
sociology, research methods and political theory are some of the best
examples of such)