What Is an Expert?
Is it simply someone who knows more than someone else about a given topic?
Is it someone who has studied deeply and taught others?
Is it someone who is recognized by others as knowledgeable?
Connie Ragen Green says that you are an expert in at least one area, and it is up to you to position yourself that way when you are building your online business.
In Positioning Yourself as an Expert, you will learn how experts in many fields define what an expert is, how they became experts in their fields and how you can use what they discovered to position yourself as the expert in your own area of knowledge in order to expand your influence and increase your income.
Gathered in this book are experts in the fields of real estate, online business, corporate business, health, martial arts, creativity, innovation, accountability and much, much more.
Contributors to the book include Connie Ragen Green, Ed Manske, Maria Lassila, Susan Guiher, Dr. Jeanette Cates, Debbie O'Grady, Eleanor Prior, Cheryl Major, Steve Sponseller, Adrienne Dupree, Boots Gibson, Al Bargen, Leslie Ann Cardinal and Geoff Hoff.
About the Author: Connie Ragen is an online marketing strategist living in Southern California. She continues to work with people on six continents to help them achieve success as online entrepreneurs. Find out more at http: //ConnieRagenGreen.com Geoff Hoff is a best-selling author and publisher who lives in Los Angeles with his cat, Maggie the Cat. He has made a life-long study of the process of creativity and teaches creative writing and business writing courses online. Find out more at http: //GeoffHoff.co