In the quiet town of Alma, Jane Barrow balances her life as a single mother, a small business owner, and an amateur detective. Her seemingly serene existence is upended when her ex-husband, Evan, re-enters her life, bringing with him a wave of complications and unresolved tensions.
As Jane navigates the challenges of co-parenting their two children, Tyson and Libby, she becomes entangled in a series of mysterious events. A tall, bald man begins appearing unexpectedly, making the family uneasy and stirring memories of a past Evan seems connected to. At the same time, Jane's friend Mike Calloway, a state trooper, re-enters her life, providing both support and a potential romantic interest.
When one of Jane's clients, Ebony, disappears under suspicious circumstances, Jane's instincts push her to investigate. The trail leads her to the shady underbelly of Luther's Steakhouse, a local establishment rumored to be involved in illegal activities. Jane must unravel the connections between the bar's secretive dealings, her ex-husband's suspicious behavior, and the safety of her loved ones.
"Polished Peril" is a gripping tale of resilience and courage, where the warmth of small-town life meets the chilling shadows of mystery and danger. Jane Barrow emerges as a relatable and tenacious heroine, proving that even amidst the chaos, one can find clarity and purpose. This thrilling novel explores themes of trust, family, and the pursuit of truth, making it a compelling read for fans of mystery and domestic drama.