The attention of audiences have been captivated by rhythm and rhyme. Who has not appreciated the works of Dr. Seuss or listening to poems that mimic "The Night Before Christmas"? Imagine if the Bible, God's Word, were put into that format. Would that not also capture attention? Read the following excerpt where Jesus tells a story about an unlikely hero. Read it slowly and with care.
10:30 Jesus answered, "A certain man
Was traveling to Jericho,
Coming down from Jerusalem,
A dangerous route to go.*
"Into the hands of thieves he fell
Who stripped him of all his clothes.
They went off leaving him half dead
After giving him many blows.
10:31 "It so happened a certain priest
Was traveling down that road,
But when he saw the half-dead man,
On the other side he strode.
10:32 "A Levite, too, was traveling,
And seeing him in that place,
He passed by on the other side,
Continuing with his pace.*
10:33 "A traveling Samaritan
Came upon him where he lay,
And when he saw him he was moved
To care for the man that day.
This book is the beginning work of putting God's Word to rhythm and rhyme. Enjoy the writings of Luke as you have read before but to the beat of a drum and to a sound that will impact your heart.