Number one on the best seller's list of poetry eBooks and books on the Brazilian Amazon in 2021.
"A poem for every day I didn't see you" is a collection of feelings. And I do say feelings - and not poems -, because Igor feels through his words; he transfers himself, involving the reader on his rhymes. We are invited to feel - as if those words were ours -, what resides within his eart, and which he putted on the paper, because, perhaps, that could had happen.
The love, main theme of this collection, is not always the romantic kind, sometimes is hard, and dirty, and melancholic, but it's still love in one of the many forms that it exists. And just because it isn't the "ideal" form, should we prevent ourselves from feeling it? Igor show us that the answer is no, because the love and us are one. And when we try to forget it, we loose our essence, our identity.
The loved one (and sometimes hated one) is the material representation of the love we carry within ourselves, the love that is a part of us.
In this book, we found desire, weakness, strength, necessity, rage, and a search for redemption, at the same time that this redemption is not wished in a hurry. This is the representation of the contradictory flow of feelings of someone in love.
It's the perfect reading for those whom are love.