Real Pocket Money for Real People is a book for folks who live paycheck to paycheck. You may feel like you will have to work until lunch on the day of your funeral to pay your bills. When you're living paycheck to paycheck, you're just surviving, and that's not living. When you're surviving you can't dream.
This book will guide you through simple questions, with your answers giving you a simple 5-step action plan that you will then choose 1 action to commit to doing. Once you see that you are able to save a few dollars, you'll be excited to save more, and before you know it, you'll have a lot more money in your pocket every payday. Then, you can use that money to pay down debt and make your dreams come true.
If you're fighting with your spouse about money, take a chance and buy this book then work on it together. You've got this! You CAN do it! I promise you. I'm nobody special and I worked through it and am now making my dreams come true. I went on a vacation for the first time in 14 years, I bought a new car, and am on my way to retirement with actual money in a retirement account.
I am a "real" person--just like you. I don't have a PHD or know many $5 words, but, I have been where you are now. I had to learn the hard way how to have more money in my pocket, how to live within my income and lower my expenses so I give you tons of tips on where to save money and make more money.
If you don't have the rent money, I give you ideas of how to find it. If you have an emergency bill like a car repair or home repair, I give you great ideas of how to find that money, and how to make sure that you will always be covered for a small emergency.
I am convinced this book will help millions of "real people" and you're one of them. When you buy the book and use the tips to having more money in your pocket on payday, please tell everyone you know. 7 out of 10 folks live paycheck to paycheck and many don't have $400 in savings. You, my friend are not alone in worrying about money. But, just the fact that you're reading this, shows that you are not a quitter, YOU ARE A WINNER, and will do whatever it takes to make your financial worries go away. You will help you children and your spouse see the warrior in you, and how you will fight to give them everything they deserve. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! You've got this...I promise...I believe in you!