At twelve, Stella Young and Hana Sanada enrolled in the Stanton Academy for Humanity, where learning was hard, built character, and imparted truth, justice, and morality to America's youth. Students retitled the school Sustainable Farming on Steroids.
One day, the girls discovered the wartime journals of their two great-grandfathers, who served in WWII, and a wartime journal of Stella's grandfather, who served in Vietnam. Now, many years after the wars ended, the girls began turning the journals into book-length manuscript.
Their thoughts about the book's themes changed abruptly. Stella's father was an infantry captain, serving in Afghanistan. One evening, army officers arrived at her home to inform Olivia, her mother, and Stella, that their beloved husband and father had been killed in battle. This horrific news crushed their whole family.
The girls researched the deeply troubling "wrong wars" that the American government had committed her heroic soldiers to, since the start of the Vietnam war.
Years later, they watched news of America's pullout from Afghanistan.
Now adults, Stella and Hana sized up what had gone so wrong with the American government, its military, and society. They embarked on a mission to restore law and order, honor, morality, and integrity to the United States of America.