About the Book
Plauche's Battalion d'Orleans was one of the most colorful American army unites in the War of 1812. With decorated uniforms, these French speaking volunteers stood out. They were a continuation of units which formed under French and Spanish regimes and were reorganized after the Louisiana Purchase. Maj. Jean Baptiste Plauche led this unit made up of French natives and French Creoles Roster LM Reynaud, Adjutant Garrigues Flaujac, Sect Emile Sainet, QM Yves Le Monnier, Surgeon CARBINEERS: Pierre Roche, Capt; Coeur de Roy, 1 Lt; Barthelmy Grima, 2 Lt; Chas. Roche, 3 Lt; A. Tourla, Serg.Maj; P. Soubercaze, Jean Desvignes, Jean Guadix, JB Turpin, JP Lanaux, Alex Chopin, Sergeants; Felix Leternod, T. B. Marchand, B. Tremoulet, G. Belaude, S. Guesnard, EJ Forstall, JH, F. Rondeau, Corporals Privates: Ant Barbarin, JB Costant, Franc Duplessis, JL St.Cyr, Vince Moreau, Michel St.Avide, JB Durel, Jean Bozant, Germ Musson, Etienne Laborde, Justin Turpin, L Pellerin, Drausin Fagot, Neuville Durel, Henri Mercier, Fulgence Trepagnier, JH Sheppard, Alex Prieur, Louis Garidel, Pierre L Morel, Henry McCall, Manuel Garcia, JB Latour, JB Ducayet, Jacques Desforges, Bapt St.Amand, Jean Bacas, Paul Labarre, P. Ed Foucher, JL Morin, Aug Tete, LT Jourdan, Vinc Nolte, Eug Marchand, Jul Hardy, Philippe Lanaux, Ph Pedesclaux, JF Generelly, Chas Lanaux, Fulgence Perilliat, Ph Vienne, Hilaire Courcelle, Theo Legendre, Achille Rivard, Sebastien Ganuchaux, Celino Chamette, Wm Mitchell, Ludoisky Hollander DRAGOONS: Lt Jean St.Jean; Francois Beneteaud, L Dulhuquod, LP Huet, Lieutenants; Vinc Gautier, Nicholas Mioton, Louis Dubignon, J Hecke, Brigadiers. Privates: L Arnault, JP Ducoing, Theo Duplantier, Vincent Charleville, Jean Mouton, Alexis LeGros, Chas Lauzun, Drausin Riviere, Francois Camus, JL Duperron, PL Dubois, Jos Massicot, Franc Correjolles, Marius Michel, Marin Le Beau, Rocheville Menard, Paul Maurin, Const Michel, Hyacinthe Ferrier, J Durand, Fanfan Ferrier, FC Pelletier, Henri Ramel, JP Raymond, Cadet Lavergne, Jules Dreux, Pr Lambert, Ed Dreux, Celestin Durand, Vict Barbot, Prosper Fleury, JB Davis, Jules Dauphin SHARPSHOOTERS: Capt. Jean Hudry, Eugene Fremont, Etienne Berthel, Lieutenants; A Chevalion, SergMaj; Jerome Tourne, Franc Girodeau, Antoine Robert, Sergeants; Jn Touchet, Eusebe Sperrier, N. Vassal, Jean Guerin, Corporals. Privates: Robert Guichard, Thomas Fourcade, Gabriel Toledano, Bertrand Frederic, Raphael Toledano, Valere St.Germain, Laurent LeVasseur, Lionis Mortimer, Jos Toledano, Paul Hoffman, Alexis Guillemin, Georges Boullemet, Pierre Landreaux, Louis Lafite, Hyp Lagan, Pierre Rousseau, Ant. Dicharry, Desire Barthelmy LaBLUES Maunsell White, Captain, FS Girault, 1 Lt; Nicholas Thompson, 2 Lt; Jn Phillipps, Dick Nesbit, Wm. Garlick, Sergeants; Dan Scott, Peter Gofforth, Louis Robertson, Corporals Privates: Jn Hagan, Philip Laidlaw, Jim Prior, Josiah Whitney, John Sharp, Chas. Dameron, Arthur O'Neall, Jim Hall, Christopher Hays, Jere Lambert, Dan Jourdan, John Armstrong, Alfred Moore, HW Palfrey, Ralph McCracken, Lynster O'Donnell, JC Nicholls, Wm McClelland, John McClelland, Thad Nicholls, Wm Smith, Simon White, CR Jones. Lee Whitehead, Pat O'Meara CHASSEURS: Auguste Guibert, Captain; TC St Romes, 1 Lt; Louis Pilie, 2 Lt; J Cuerrouhard, Serg.Maj; Vic Pidou, JD Couvertie, Louis Couvertie, JB Lamothe, LS St Cyr, Sergeants; Alex Nadau, Nicolas Pessou, JB Ducayet, Chas. Bouny, Corporals Privates: Alex Shomerg, JB Lepretre, Gab Montamat, Aug McClelland, Fabre Daunoy, Bernard Dupuy, Michel Meilleur, JS Lamothe, Francois deLaMothe, Chas Maurian, Regnault Drouet, Sylvain Peyroux, Jacques Nicaud, Ant Gravier, JB Blanchard, Ant Richard, Denis Bonnabel, Luc. Lafferranderie, Valentin Lefebvre, JB Gilly, Alex Guerin, Cyp Bourke, Christophe Maurin, Onesime Lambert, Bernard Ducham, Ambroise Meunier, JB Desdues, Jn Longpre, Poincy Desbunes, Francois Cologne, Lucien Leclerc, H Meridier, L'Amoureux Meilleur, Roucheville Menard, JB Laporte