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Plants And Trees That Generate Employment

Plants And Trees That Generate Employment



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About the Book

Focus of this book is not on tree planting as one may mistake but on generating abundant organic raw materials to be used in cottage, village, mini and micro enterprises. It is basically a guide for village entrepreneurs, social workers and multinationals which have to spend in India two percent of their net profit on public welfare and social activities. Gautama Budha said, TO BE A GOOD BUDDHIST ONE SHOULD PLANT SEVERAL TREES IN ONE'S LIFE TIME. This book tells what trees to plant to get many and more benefits out of them for human welfare. Plants and trees, weeds and reeds give the ten 'Fs' needed by people, namely, food, fruits, fodder, fibre, furniture, fertilizer, firewood, fresh-air, fresh-water, fabrics and more. Says the author : “PLANTS AND TREES CAN LIVE WITHOUT PEOPLE BUT PEOPLE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM”. This book explains several medicinal plants as well and their uses and recommends cultivation and propagation of halophytes which grow in sea or saline water; 1560 species have already been identified by the university of Arizona. Humanity can survive by exploiting the sea and the saline tree. Water hyacinth which the author calls, GREEN GOLD, and many other aquatic weeds and reeds are given due importance in the book. Mushrooms, Soya beans, Salicornia and a score of other similar plants are recommended to change the face and economy of rural areas, especially in India, Africa and all under developed and developing countries.

About the Author

The author an environmental scientist who was a director in the Indian ministry of Industry and advisor to the ILO and UNIDO of the United Nations had trained hundreds of officials deputed by the state governments to develop community development blocks of the CD Movement and also officials from Africa deputed by the International Labor Organizational during the fifties. He was associated with the CD movement for ten years i.e. from the start to finish and then the movement was left to move forward with the wind in it's own sail. He gained his experience in promoting grassroot projects, community organizations, cooperatives and appropriate technology in several states in India including Kashmir where he was posted to help industries. He was industrial advisor to the Island republic of Seychelles and thereafter to some African countries and Nepal; received awards from the UK, USA and the UN and declared MAN OF YEAR 1995-1996 by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge. Margaret Thatcher, Jimmy Carter and Ryan were honored with the Global environment achievement award by the UNEP in 1989-90. Ryan writes with the conviction that poor will remain poor if they depend on the technology of the rich and helping the poor to promote local organic raw materials, appropriate technology and nearby markets is the best way of helping them towards self sufficiency and progress. He has published several books on different subjects all pertaining to rural development and appropriate technology.

Table of Contents:
Dedicated to My Father i Foreword iii Preface v Introduction 15 Integrated Small Farming. 19 Fertilise Your Soil By Legumes 21 Potentialities of Castor 22 Uses for Fibre 23 Tropical Soft wood 24 Callophyllum Inophyllum 25 Neem leaf Protects Stored Grain 26 Alley Cropping 27 Caustic Soda from Banana Bark 29 Papaine from Papaya 30 Datura Stramonium relieves Asthma 31 AGAVE-for excellent Fibre 32 Uses of Pongamia Glabra 32 Starch from Casava 33 Instant Okra 34 Vegetable Growing Inside Automobile Tyres 35 Hybrid Sunflower 35 Growing Mushrooms on Paddy Straw 36 More About Mushrooms 37 Oyster Mushrooms 38 Sisal & Accacia to protect plants 38 Sisal fibre Extraction and Uses 39 “Sun Rise Solo” Papaya 40 Ceylon Spinach 41 Neem Tooth Powder 42 Asphalt Vasaka Building Slabs 43 Tropical trees that yield colours (Dye stuffs) 44 Leaves for serving meals 46 Preserving Sugarcane Juice 48 Process-step by step 48 Drought tolerant Tamarind 49 More About Neem 50 Trees that give Gums & Mucilages 51 More Trees Yielding Gum 53 Plant Insecticides 54 Beanana Fibre Extraction 55 South Indian way of thatching 57 Soap with village materials 57 Water Purification in Small Wells 58 African Region 60 Asian Region 60 Mosquito Smoke 61 Some Useful Shrubs (found mostly in the Northern hemisphere) 62 Multipurpose Mangium 63 Use Leaves as Insecticides 64 Plant Tress for Prosperity 65 Blessings from Tress 66 Recommanded Tropical Trees — List One 68 Flowering Trees For The Tropics 73 Emblica (Indian Gooseberry) 74 Grow your own fodder - I 75 Pulp Giving Grass 76 Some Aromatic plants 78 Plant & Tree Potash 80 Some Simple ways of Extracting Fibre 81 Soay for Protein Diet 82 Fibre yielding plants trees 83 Use Leaves as Fertilizers 84 Useful Plants of Kholli Hills 86 Leucaenaleu Cocephala 87 Growing Mangosteen 88 Employment Possibilities with Jambol 89 The Aider Tree 90 Indian Almond Tree 91 Uses & Employment 91 Ailaanthus for Saline Soil 93 Indian Acalypha 94 Go Slow with Eucalyptus 95 Vasaka Provides Employment 96 Uses: 97 Solanum 98 Seethapal Oil 99 Home Treatment for Potability 100 School Cum Community Hall 101 RYFO Shingles 102 Peanut Butter & Banana Cake 103 The Indian Jujube 103 Subabul - dry-land boon 104 Sunflower is Profitable 105 Coccinia Grandis 106 Vinca Rosea 107 New Strains of Mulberry 108 Sea-Water Plants 109 Saltbusbes:- 109 Melons Bring Money 110 Recommanded varieties for tropical countries 110 Mangroves & their uses 111 Employment Potentialities: 111 Khuskhus or Vetiver 112 Profits from Mulberry 113 Tree Trunk Theatre 114 Tree Monuments 115 Sakthi Soya’s Seed Service 116 More About Soyabean 117 The Common Pea 117 Bamboo Shingles 118 Fibre/Straw Roof 119 Instant Lime Juice & Face Cream 120 Katdamani Fertilizer 121 Edible Oil from Kokam 122 Bitter Gourd or Bitter Cucumber 123 Guinea Grass 124 Trees for Social Forestry 125 Azolla - the Natural Fertilizer 127 Teak (Tectona Grandis) 127 Palm Trees for Sugar A Livelihood 128 Orange Oil for Gallstones 129 Some More Aromatic Plants 130 RF Mosquito Sticks (non chemical) 131 RYFO Organic “Ferticide” 132 RYFO Foliage Briquettes 134 More Papain from Papaya 134 Saline Agriculture 135 Derris Root to kill predaceous fish 137 Sesbania Rostrata 138 Desert tree called Carob Tree 139 RYFO Balm for Boils 140 Juliflorabriquettes 141 Boon from Bamboo 144 Citrus Oils 145 Botanical Insecticides 145 Gram Coffee for Vitality 146 Some Improved Strains of Oilseeds 147 Acacia Senegal 148 Anti-erosion Setaria 149 Leaf that Controls birth 150 Bio–Insecticides 151 Medicinal - Hog Weed 152 Saline Agriculture 152 Mopane 153 Acacia Holosericea 154 Wonder trees called Mesquit 155 Promote Pomegranate 156 Duckweed (Lemnaceae) 157 Multimedicinal Amrita 158 For reference:- 158 Ecualy leaves make good briquettes 159 Paper from Mulberry 159 Traditional Paper Making: Northern Thailand 160 Save the Mangroves 161 Uses of Moringa Oleifera (otherwise called Horse Radish) 162 Flame of the Forest (or Butea Gum Tree) 163 RYFO Slimming Porridge 165 Money in Citronella Java 166 Cattls Feed Formula. 167 Cattle Feed Formula 168 Gooseberry Preserve 169 Tutti-Frutti 170 Cassava Bread 171 Ingredients 171 Notes: 172 Buns from Cassava 172 Versatile Side-Tables 172 RYFO Wood Paint Cum Preservative (for Villages) 173 Composition 173 Bamboo Furniture 174 Demand for Dried Fruits 175 Oil Distiller with Village Materials 176 Bamboo Pipes 177 Sun Drying Potato Slices Etc 178 Organic Insecticide 179 Drought Resistant Mesta 180 Holy Basil (Tulsi) 181 Preserve Fresh Flowers for years 182 The Humble Plant 183 Beer from Sorghum 185 Healing Fenugreek 187 Curry Leaf 188 Useful desert/axylancl shrub 189 Medicinal Mint 190 Herbal Capsules for Diabetes 192 RYFO pulp and Mortar Board 193 Grasses & Gums for different uses 193 For Paper Making (Botanical names) 194 For Fodder (Botanical Names) 194 For matting (Botanical names) 194 For Rope making (Botanical names) 194 For Thatching (Botanical names) 194 For Miscellaneous Uses (Botanical names) 194 Gum Giving Trees 195 Hairwash for Luster 195 Mesta for Paper 196 Fragrant Tuberose 197 Vegetable Dyes 197 Wood Based Dyes (Botanical names) 197 Bark Based Dyes (Botanical names) 198 Flower and Fruit Based Dyes (Botanical names) 198 Root based dyes (Botanical names) 198 Leaf Based Dyes (Botanical names) 199 Herbal Wines 199 Method 199 Natural Process 199 Basic Wine Type 199 Technology 199 Samples 199 Asthma Powder 200 Garlic in Honey or Capsules 201 Baobab of Africa 202 Taro for Tropics 202 Wonderful Mushrooms 203 Rauvolfia Serpentine for exports 204 Turmeric for Dye 205 Sweeter Melons from Salty Fields 205 Clarification on Eucalyptus 206 Some Prosopis Species 207 Glyricidia Meculeta 208 Saline Agriculture 208 Seaweeds on Fibre Ropes 209 Halophyte Potentialities 210 Tapping Sea Water by Bamboo Pipes 211 Jerusalem Thorn 212 Urena Lobata, 212 Soil Requirements: 213 Cultivation and Preparation of Soil: 213 Time of Planting: 213 Seed Treatment Before Sowing: 213 Seed Rate and Spacing: 213 Fertiliser Application: 214 Pests: 214 Harvest: 214 Retting and Processing: 214 Drying of Fibre: 215 Field 215 Quality of Fibre: 215 Uses 215 Water Hyacinth for A Million Jobs 215 Jorhat Report 216 Organizing Collection 216 Collecting Method 216 Solution to Jute Crisis 217 Training 217 Fuel Briquetting 217 Silage for Cattle 218 Weevil to be Withdrawn 218 Efforts of RYFO 218 O welcome, beneficent weed.! 219 Water Hyacinth, UNEP, Nairobi 1984 220 Crisis in Ecology. 220 Technical Information on Dehydration 224 Process of Manufacture 224 Dehydration of Fruits 225 Dehydration of Vegetables 226 Peas 226 Bhindi (Lady’s Finger) 227 Tomatoes: 227 Equipment and Machinery 227 Cost Analysis 228 Code of Conduct for Rural 228 Belizil 233 Canada 233 Colombia 233 Cuba 234 Cyprus 234 Denmark 234 Ecuador 234 England 234 Ethiopia 234 France 234 Guatemala 235 Honduras 235 India 235 Indonesia 236 Israel 236 Italy 237 Jamaica 237 Kenya 237 Korea 237 Malawi 237 Malaysia 237 Mexico 238 Netherlands 238 New Zealand 238 Pakistan 238 Papua New Guinea 238 Puerto Rico 240 Sierra Leone 240 Singapore 240 Solomon Islands 240 South Africa 240 Sudan 240 Thailand 240 Uruoguay 242 Venezuela 242 Vietnam 242 Zambia 242 Zimbabwe 242 Tree Planting in Difficult Sites 242 Water logged areas 242 Ravine Lands 243 Saline Soil 243 For coastal areas 244 Shrubs and grasses 244 Pattern of Planting 244 Hot and Arid Areas 244 Dune Fixation 244 Mined Lands 245 Sources 258 Sea Water Kitchen Gardens 260 Vegetables for Family Nutrition 260 Carbohydrate/Energy Sources 260 Vitamin A Sources 261 High Vitamin C Sources 261 High Protein Sources 261 Iron-rich Crops 262 Calcium-rich Vegetables 262 Vegetables With Multiple Edible Parts 263 Coconut Sugar 264 Neem Insect Spray 265 Facts about Soyamilk 266 Preserving Pulp of Fruits 267 Jojoba for Shore Cultivation 268 Some Common Plant Dyes 269 Cheese making made easy 270 Plant Treatment for Animal Diseases 271 Physic Shrub keeps away Crabs 271 Latex Extraction from Papaye 272 The Barna 273 Clarification on Eucalyptus 273 Fibre Food good for Constipation and Cholesterol 274 Some Prosopis Species 275 Neem, the wonder tree 276 RYFO Germicide Spray 277 Grape Core 278 Deep Purple 279 Superfine Soyabean 281 Grafting Mangoes 282 Pine Apple Fibre 283 Pineapple Fibre 283 Malta Laman 284 Dandelion 285 The Ideal Soil Binder 286 Ipomoea Carnea Jaco 287 Prolific Yielding Moringa 287 Samphire for Sea Water 288 Swordbean 289 Bussa Beer 290 Ingredients and Equipment 290 Method 290 Fibre/Stkaw Roof 291 Soya Coffee 292 Tapping Palms for Cheap Sugar 293 West Indian Cherry 293 Zachun-Oil Tree 294 Cheese making made easy 295 Jojoba for Shore Cultivation 296 Income from Foliage Briquettes 297 RYFO Briquettes 298 Medicinal Plants 300 Fruits, Oil-seeds and Medicinal Plants 301 Fruits (Botanical) 301 Oil Seeds (Botanical) 302 Medicinal Plants (Botanical) 302 Multipurpose Moringa 302 Gum from Tamarind Kernel 304 Common Uses. 304 Preserving Pulp Fruits 305 How to Make Vinegar 306 Halophyte Potentialities 307 Jojoba for Shore Cultivation 307 Marking Nut tree (English) 308 Acknowledgement 309

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788121212502
  • Publisher: Gyan Publishing House
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 8121212502
  • Publisher Date: Sep,2015
  • Edition: 1
  • No of Pages: 318

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