1. Fungal ABC Transporter Deletion and Localization AnalysisAndriy Kovalchuk, Stefan Weber, Jeroen G. Nijland, Roel A.L. Bovenberg, and Arnold J.M. Driessen2. Targeted Gene Replacement in Fungal Pathogens via Agrobacterium tumefaciens Mediated TransformationRasmus John Normand Frandsen, Mette Frandsen, Henriette Giese
3. Activity-based Protein Profiling of Infected Plants
Farnusch Kaschani, Christian Gu, Renier A.L. van der Hoorn
4. The use of Agroinfiltration for Transient Expression of Plant Resistance and Fungal Effector Proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana Leaves
Lisong Ma, Ewa Lukasik, Fleur Gawehns and Frank L.W. Takken
5. Proteomic Techniques for Plant-Funal Interactions
Delphine Vincent, Kar-Chun Tan, Liam Cassidy, Peter Solomon and Richard Oliver
6. Identification of HR-inducing cDNAs from Plant Pathogens via a Gateway(R)-Compatible Binary Potato Virus X-Expression Vector
H. Peter van Esse
7. Freeze-Fracture of Infected Plant Leaves in Ethanol for Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Fungal Pathogens
Jayma A. Moore and Scott A. Payne
8. Real-time PCR for the Quantification of Fungi in planta
Steven J. Klosterman
9. Using Non-homologous End-joining-deficient Strains for Functional Gene Analyses in Filamentous Fungi
Mark Arentshorst, Arthur F.J. Ram, Vera Meyer
10. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): A Tool for Studying Biophysical Surface Properties Underpinning Fungal Interactions with Plants and Substrates
Elizabeth Adams, Danielle Emerson, Sean Croker, Hye-Seon Kim, Shannon Modla, Seogchan Kang, Kirk Czymmek
11. Use of the Yeast Two-Hybrid System to Identify Targets of Fungal Effectors
Shunwen Lu
12. Characterization of Plant - Fungal Interactions Involving Necrotrophic Effector-Producing Plant Pathogens
Timothy L. Friesen and Justin D. Faris
13.Heterologous Production of Fungal Effectors in Pichia pastoris
Anja Kombrink
14. The Application of Laser Microdissection to Profiling Fungal Pathogen Gene Expression in planta
Wei-Hua Tang, Yan Zhang, and Jon Duvick
15. Metabolomics Protocols for Filamentous Fungi
Joel P.A. Gummer, Christian Krill, Lauren Du Fall, Ormonde D.C. Waters, Robert D. Trengove, Richard P. Oliver and Peter S. Solomon
16. Targeted Gene Replacement in Fungi using a Split-Marker Approach
Rubella S. Goswami
17.Massively Parallel Sequencing Technology in Pathogenic Microbes
Sucheta Tripathy and Rays H.Y. Jiang
18.Confocal Microscopy in Plant Pathogen Interactions
Adrienne R. Hardham
19.The use of Open Source Bioinformatics Tools to Dissect Transcriptomic Data
Benjamin M. Nitsche, Arthur F.J. Ram, Vera Meyer
20.Population Biology of Fungal Plant Pathogens
Zahi K. Atallah and Krishna V. Subbarao
21.Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-mediated Transformation in Filamentous Fungal Pathogens
Zhaohui Liu and Timothy L. Friesen
22.In vitro Induction of Infection-related Hyphal Structures in Plant Pathogenic Fungi
W.R. Rittenour, S.D. Harris
23.Fungicide Resistance Assays for Fungal Plant Pathogens
Gary A. Secor and Viviana V. Rivera
24.Identification of Lipid-binding Effectors
Shiv D. Kale and Brett M. Tyler
25. In silico Identification and Characterization of Effector Catalogs
Ronnie de Jonge
26. Horizontal Transfer of Supernumerary Chromosomes in Fungi
H. Charlotte van der Does and Martijn Rep
27. The Induction of Mycotoxins by Trichothecene Producing Fusarium Species
Rohan Lowe, Mélanie Jubault, Gail Canning, Martin Urban and Kim E. Hammond-Kosack
28. Identifying Genes in Fusarium verticillioides Through Forward and Reverse Genetics