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Are you trying to be healthier and sustainable, but it seems like an uphill battle because you don't know where to start and what diet to follow?
Your Customers Will never Stop to Use this Awesome Cookbook!
Look, life is full of choices, and you have to make choices every day. Every single day we've got to decide what food to eat, where to go, what to wear, and just about everything else. But to be honest, most of us don't have a clue what we're doing. We're making choices based on what we've always done rather than what's best for us.
The plant-based diet is a diet that includes foods derived from plants and is a lifestyle that is becoming increasingly popular. With the rapid growth of the plant-based food movement, many people ask themselves: what is the most nutritious and effective way to eat?
There are many different plant-based diets, but most fall under two categories: raw food and vegan. The raw food diet is based on eating uncooked foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, while the vegan diet excludes all animal-based products.
This manual covers:
- What Is a Plant-Based Diet?
- Benefits
- Foods to Eat
- Foods You Should Minimize
- Foods to Avoid
- Breakfast recipes
With the variety and abundance of recipes described in this manual, you'll learn that eating plant-based is very pleasurable.
Buy it now and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book