You Are About To Discover The Exact Steps To Take To Easily Lose Weight And Increase Your Energy With The Plant-Based Diet!
Fruits and vegetables have, for a long time, been praised and recommended for being an essential part of nutrition. But have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could just go all in into the world of taking plant based foods? How much more benefit you would derive compared to just adding fruits and vegetables in your diet here and there?
If you have, this probably explains your interest in a plant based diet. Perhaps, in your research, you've discovered that adopting a plant based diet can make weight loss a lot easier, that you will have more energy if you adopt a plant based diet or that you will effectively deal with different diseases and more.
Your research was right; one article published in Medical News Today asserts that a good plant-based diet is the best way to go for sustainable fat burning and long-term energy and vitality benefits.
However, according to a report published in Harvard Health Publishing journal, plant based diets are not created equal, but the right one can help lower your risk of obesity by preventing fat gain, as well as increase your energy.
This simply means that this type of diet is the only thing you might ever need to achieve your desired weight goals and stay healthy and full of energy.
I know you are probably wondering...
Which are the foods I should focus on?
What is the best approach to a healthy plant-based diet?
How can I avoid the common dieting mistakes and guarantee myself optimum results?
Are there any risks I should be aware of?
If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading.
The book will teach you:
- The basics of the plant based diet, including what it is, what it entails, its history and how it's growth has surged in popularity
- How you stand to gain by adopting a plant based diet
- The downsides that come with the plant based diet
- The myths and misconceptions about a plant-based diet
- The main food categories of a plant-based diet
- What to limit or avoid
- How to adopt the diet
- Answers to frequently asked questions about the plant based diet
- 25 fun facts about the plant-based diet
- How the diet helps in weight loss
- The foods that make up this diet
- How a typical plant-based diet menu for 7 days looks like
- How to prepare simple, quick and easy recipes
...And so much more!
For one, this beginners' book is purely based on facts supported by science. Secondly, it is very practical, which means you can start implementing it as you read, especially if a list of foods to eat doesn't just cut it for you, and you need a helping hand in the preparation of healthy meals.
Even if you've tried adopting the diet before but failed because you felt lost or for whatever reason, this book's beginner friendly and motivating approach will see you adopt the diet and stick to it for the long term!
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