About the Book
ANGELS IN NATURE BRINGING "TOUGH LOVE" AND A MESSAGE OF HOPEThis is The Great Reveal - arranged by the Planetmates for the benefit of humans on the eve of the biggest challenge ever to face humans or even the planet at any time of its existence. Planetmates are the beings with whom we share this planet, our fellow Earth Citizens. This revelation comes in the form of prasads, a Sanskrit term, meaning a blessing from a divine being. The Planetmates explain who they are, who we are, what we think of ourselves ... and why it is wrong, has always been wrong ... and why it is now of dire importance for us to remember again the truth of us. On the eve of our imminent environmental implosion - with half of their species slated for extinction within mere decades, along with untold numbers of our own lives - they take us beyond our previous ideas about Nature, existence, humanity, soul, Divinity or God, goodness, love, happiness, and life. They bring astounding revelations on work, play, family, children, consciousness; and they correct our thinking on them in glorious ways. Altogether, they show something much more wondrous, yet more in keeping with what our sciences have come to know to be true. The Planetmates explain why we could never know or even imagine who we are and how we have always been "wrong-getted" in our thinking of our relation to Nature and Existence itself. It has to do with a uniquely human characteristic we developed, which turned truth on its head. However, through a fortuitous coming together of scientific and cultural understandings - available in history at only this time - we are told that our true Nature and relation to It All can be revealed with a possibility of it being understood. This is lucky and synchronistic, for these new understandings in our sciences and social sciences have become a necessity for our continued survival on this planet. As the Planetmates put it, ""You don't know, you don't know that you don't know, you can't know what you don't know ... but now you need to know."Our Planetmates reveal insight into the matters that humans have struggled for millennia to understand. You may be surprised after reading this as to who are the "dumb animals" on this planet. This is the world of Nature weighing in on our global environmental emergency and bringing a vision different from any known religious and philosophical perspectives. They take us through a fascinating exposition of our prehistory, and they explain how we became human ... and different from every other species.They explain why, since we separated from Nature and so forgot our true nature, and how that happened in our becoming human.Above all, they tell us what we need know to save ourselves and them and return to a nobility we have lost. "Something wonderful is going to happen."Juicy Quotes from Planetmates: The Great Reveal: "we get exactly why you have become the savage species you are. Indeed, we have a feeling in looking upon you very much the same as the way you view some of the most unfortunate of your own: "There but for the grace of God, go I." ""Planetmates here reveal the nature of Reality itself, describing it as Being-Awareness-Bliss, and they tell how humans separated from it. ""They say we scorned "Eden," rather than were ejected from it. Amazingly, they say that they are the helping, comforting beings we seek in the heavens, calling themselves our "angels in Nature."""the Lucifer or Satan that we mythologize about is, in actuality, ourselves. It is humans who have defied the Divine and the natural order, in the throes of a most unnatural hubris, thinking ourselves equal to the Divine and above all else in Creation.""This is the sign on the road telling you that just before you lies the return home to the noble core within you.""The Planetmates ask if, with the apocalypse now looming as a result of our "evolution," we might finally be able to see the lie of our illusions."
About the Author: Michael Adzema is an author, activist, teacher, and psychotherapist, specializing in primal therapy, breathwork, and rebirthing. He was the editor of Primal Renaissance - a professional journal of primal psychology - and was the first person in the United States to teach prenatal and perinatal psychology at the university level, which he did at Sonoma State University in the early Nineties. In the early Eighties, working as an anti-nuke activist with Oregon Fair Share, he was one of a small group of people whose actions led to the lawsuit that ended nuclear plant construction in the United States. Over the last fifteen years, Michael Adzema has managed and authored a number of popular websites and blogs, including Primal Spirit; Becoming Authentic; The Great Reveal by the Planetmates; Apocalypse NO; Culture War, Class War; and Things That Want to Be Said. In addition to Planetmates: The Great Reveal, he has authored the books, Falls from Grace, which is listed as a reference on prenatal and perinatal psychology; Experience Is Divinity; Apocalypse NO; Primal Renaissance; Culture War, Class War; and the companion volume to Apocalypse NO, titled Apocalypse Emergency-Love's Wake-Up Call. An updated version of Falls from Grace, next to be published in the Return to Grace series, has been completed and is due for publication in 2014. Along with it, and all books except Primal Renaissance mentioned above, four more books are to be published in his Return to Grace series, for a total of ten volumes, being released in 2013 through 2015.