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Editorial Reviews - Piraterie From the Publisher Kapitel: Vitalienbrüder, Jolly Roger, Kokos-Insel, Kaperbrief, Geschichte Der Piraterie, Piraterie Vor Der Küste Somalias, Goldenes Zeitalter, Die Schatzinsel, Mærsk Alabama, Hansa Stavanger, Arctic Sea, Wokòu, Die Piraten Von Penzance, Amerikanisch-Tripolitanischer Krieg, Sirius Star, Charles Island, Charles Johnson, Korsar, Courier, Longchamp, Barbareskenstaaten, Bukanier, Taipan, Seabourn Spirit, Île de La Tortue, Moskowski Uniwersitet, Trucial States, Queen Anne's Revenge, Whydah, Illegale Fischerei, Operation Allied Provider, Silberflotte, Operation Allied Protector, Emanuel Wynne, Simon Von Utrecht, Mv Faina, Liste Der Schiffsüberfälle, Ubt Ocean, Marida Marguerite, Patriot, Operation Ocean Shield, Île à Vache, Kaperschiff, Victoria, Felix Joseph de Abreu Y Bertodano, Lex Gabinia, Port Royal, Alabamafrage, Strandräuber, Css Alabama, Panega, Wassergeusen, International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Konterbande, Der Schwarze Punkt, Enterdregge, Enterhaken, Wogemänner, Über Die Planke Gehen. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: The Jolly Roger is the name given to any of various flags flown to identify a ship's crew as pirates. The flag most usually identified as the Jolly Roger today is the skull and crossbones, being a flag consisting of a human skull above two tibiae set in an x-mark arrangement on a black field. This design was used by several pirates, including Captains Edward England and John Taylor. Some Jolly Roger flags also include an hourglass, another common symbol representing mortality and death in 17th and 18th Century Europe. Despite its prominence in popular culture, plain black flags were often employed by most pirates in the 17th-18th century. Historically, the flag was flown to frighten pirates' victims into surrendering without a fight, since it conveyed the message that the attackers were outlaws who would not consider