How to Walk the Earth as a Goddess is an inspiring guide for women of all ages. This timely publication responds to crucial issues of women’s self-esteem and personal empowerment during one of the most challenging time in women’s history/herstory. In an era of radically shifting values, where right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, appropriate and inappropriate, moral and immoral are constantly in question, author Sharon Rose Washington, offers women a way to access the goddess energy, the distinctly feminine divinity, for guidance and inspiration.
How to Walk the Earth as a Goddess invites women to select a personal goddess from the constellation of multi-various stellar goddesses when making choices about the many possible directions in their life path for wisdom, guidance and empowerment.
Author Sharon Rose Washington brings with her the story of her own life path, as a lone black student in a strict Amish small Pennsylvania town school to a young working single mother in the Hollywood entertainment industry. Out of often Puritanical social environment of her childhood and from the often-humiliating experiences as an outsider, Sharon Rose harnessed an education, a disciplined work ethic and the ability to write. From her experience in the wild Hollywood entertainment world, Sharon Rose experienced and observed the extremes in human behavior but discovered balance and judgment in the dynamics of human interaction.
From her own individual multi-various personal experiences dealing with the male cast of boyfriends, husbands, employers and celebrities Sharon Rose offers wizened, very human advice to women. Throughout challenging circumstances facing all women,Sharon Rose reveals how the Goddess may become a sustaining force in women’s lives, a source of inspiration and guidance in the dynamic dance of life.
The premier publication of this unique landmark is unique because it invites women towards direct access not only with ancient mythological goddesses but also with modern goddesses role models, leaders in business and industry, stars and celebrities in our world today.
Following the advice and inspiration in the book, a reader may heal herself of debilitating low esteem, and avail herself in empowerment and growth process. For additional individual support, women may seek further consultation with Sharon Rose’s Life coach services.